Contract for new job at the VA?

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10+ Year Member
Oct 9, 2010
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I am thinking about taking a job at the VA, does anyone know if things are even negotiable with employment at the VA? I have not yet seen the contract, but I am wondering if it worth getting a contract lawyer. What things are negotiable with them?

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I am thinking about taking a job at the VA, does anyone know if things are even negotiable with employment at the VA? I have not yet seen the contract, but I am wondering if it worth getting a contract lawyer. What things are negotiable with them?

Generally salary will be the only thing that is negotiable and even then probably not. I doubt there are any predatory terms (eg medmal, non-compete) in the contract you would need a lawyer to negotiate on. If the contract spells out service requirement that will need to be to your liking.
I am thinking about taking a job at the VA, does anyone know if things are even negotiable with employment at the VA? I have not yet seen the contract, but I am wondering if it worth getting a contract lawyer. What things are negotiable with them?
Generally it’s non-negotiatable. If I recall, the offer comes from a panel of docs who work at the VA you’re applying to, so you’re not negotiating with one individual.