Hello all, I have just begun prepping for the dat. I have just finished with week one and have realized I am struggling with gen chem. All i have been doing is dat bootcamp. Idk if its Mike's videos or if ive just forgotten alot of the material. I need more practice and the quiz problems and video poblems that come with Mike's videos do not feel enough. I hear Chad's videos are good? Would you guys recommened watching both for gen chem or just stick to one and doing more practice?
I knew i would be rocky with this gen chem material, but mike's videos has me going throuhg a chapter of videos a day and i dont feel like im getting a grasp of it as much as i need to be for the DAT. any help??? thanks in advance!!!
I knew i would be rocky with this gen chem material, but mike's videos has me going throuhg a chapter of videos a day and i dont feel like im getting a grasp of it as much as i need to be for the DAT. any help??? thanks in advance!!!