DAT Transcript Dilemma

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5+ Year Member
Nov 25, 2017
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I'm a Canadian resident and I requested the CDA to send my DAT transcript to admissions offices of the universities I've applied to back in May. 8 out of the 10 universities I applied to received the transcript except for Tufts and Temple University. I tried to reach out and get a hold of them, but all I'm told is to send the transcripts through AADSAS. However, both the CDA and AADSAS say that the AADSAS office cannot relay Canadian DAT Transcripts to universities and I just have to request CDA to send it directly to admissions (which I have, and it still hasn't been received).

I spoke with David at Temple University and was told to request the CDA to send an electronic copy of the official scores directly to his email. But CDA won't do this. Meanwhile, Tufts won't respond to any admissions emails.

Anyone experience a similar predicament?? I'm at a loss for what to do and it's already August. Any advice would be appreciated.

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