dental licensing exam for overseas dentists in Hong Kong

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Does anyone know about the marking scheme of the following sections of part II (practical) exam?

restorative (crown prep dimensions)
paedo restoratice prep dimension
perio (scaling and root planning)

and questions asked in part III (oral exam)

Many thanks.

cclemon :confused:

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Hi, I am going onto my last year of DDS program in Canada. I plan to take the dental licensing exam in HK in October 2007. I want to know if there is any preparation package for the exam(similar to the dental decks for the american board exam). I took part 1 of the american board exam last summer. Does anyone know the similarity in terms of material, difficulty or question style b/t the two? I appreciate any information or advice regarding the HK dental licensing exam that can be given to me. Thx a bunch!
Regarding the marking scheme for Part 2, I'd like to know also as I'm planning to sit for Part 2 in HKG this December, if anyone out there knows.

As for Part 1 in October (to Jenny and others), I passed Part 1 in 2005. Paper 1 has a lot of detailed head, neck anatomy questions. Happy to chat in greater detail via email on [email protected].

Good luck!
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i m a dentist graduated from a reputed dental college in pune in yr 2004 i hv my own practice at present i will b shiftin to hk in sept i would to abou the license examination ? is it in parts? when n where can we give the exam ? what r the expenses(exams fees)what is the scorin system?do i have to give any english exam before apply for the license exam ?
kindly requestin to provide me with the much needed info
god bless
Hi, I am going onto my last year of DDS program in Canada. I plan to take the dental licensing exam in HK in October 2007. I want to know if there is any preparation package for the exam(similar to the dental decks for the american board exam). I took part 1 of the american board exam last summer. Does anyone know the similarity in terms of material, difficulty or question style b/t the two? I appreciate any information or advice regarding the HK dental licensing exam that can be given to me. Thx a bunch!

i would like to know if u hv received any information about the exams ?
i would appreciate if u could share the information
Hi, I am going onto my last year of DDS program in Canada. I plan to take the dental licensing exam in HK in October 2007. I want to know if there is any preparation package for the exam(similar to the dental decks for the american board exam). I took part 1 of the american board exam last summer. Does anyone know the similarity in terms of material, difficulty or question style b/t the two? I appreciate any information or advice regarding the HK dental licensing exam that can be given to me. Thx a bunch!

i would like to know abou the dental licence exam
Can anyone help me with regards to study materials for the part 1 of the Hong Kong licencing dental exam. I have been told that its largely based on the american system..

Do you know where i can obtain past papers? :) Any help will be much appreciated as i will be heading over there to do it this autumn.

i m a dentist graduated from a reputed dental college in pune in yr 2004 i hv my own practice at present i will b shiftin to hk in sept i would to abou the license examination ? is it in parts? when n where can we give the exam ? what r the expenses(exams fees)what is the scorin system?do i have to give any english exam before apply for the license exam ?
kindly requestin to provide me with the much needed info
god bless
Hello mem,can u give me the information regarding Hong kong and singapore dental licensure exam,i m an indian dentist and near to complete in dec.2007,pls help,thanx
Hello sir can u give me the information from starting about the dental license in hongkong and singapore,i wanna practice there,reply soon,thanx

i'm a qualifed dentist, im currently applying to take the Hong Kong license exam in Oct/Dec 2008. anyone out there planning to take the exam this Autumn/fall
maybe we could share information / study guides.

2. does anyone have any past papers, or able to recall any of the questions or topic areas for paper 1.

please contact me on this email: [email protected]

thanks for your help

hey, where did u graduate from?
i'm going to sit part 1 in 2008 as well.
I qualified in London

Did you manage to get any information towards part 1?

i think there's a lot of basic theory, like basic sciences, head+neck anatomy and all that.
basically the exam is meant to be very hard i think.
what have you heard about the exam?
where abouts in london? kings? , when did u graduate?
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Hi guys, I was reassured by my dentist in Hong Kong that the exam shouldn't be too hard. It is certainly not something we should be over-worrying about.
gloomy bear,

r u sitting the exam this year as well?
no im not. i still have 2 more years to go before i graduate. i actually havent decided if i wanna go back to hk or not.
are you gonna take it this year?
yeh, i'm gonna take it this year.
which dental school r u at?
i am a 2nd year at ucla.
how about you?
i graduated last yr from UK.
waa, ucla - must be really long for you cos don't u have to do a bachelor first in the US? but ur from hk rite?
i graduated last yr from UK.
waa, ucla - must be really long for you cos don't u have to do a bachelor first in the US? but ur from hk rite?

i guess we are gearing away from the topic of the post so i sent you a private message instead.
Hi Guys,

I qualifed from the royal london

I heard the exam is tough, pass rate is 20%

I hear head and neck anatomy is big too

where in london did you qualify from

i'm a qualifed dentist, im currently applying to take the Hong Kong license exam in Oct/Dec 2008. anyone out there planning to take the exam this Autumn/fall
maybe we could share information / study guides.

2. does anyone have any past papers, or able to recall any of the questions or topic areas for paper 1.

please contact me on this email: [email protected]

thanks for your help

hi iamteeth2...

i am planning to take part in Hk lincence exam..but hasnt startted yet..
can u help me in guidance..
hey, where did u graduate from?
i'm going to sit part 1 in 2008 as well.

I am a dentist in the United States, and am also planning on taking part I this fall. would you like to share any information regarding to this exam. where are you currently practicing? here is my email [email protected]

i am also from the states currently practicing and am planning on taking part I this fall. any information you would like to share regarding to this exam? [email protected] thanks!
Hello sir can u give me the information from starting about the dental license in hongkong and singapore,i wanna practice there,reply soon,thanx
hi saurabh : ))
i need the same info as u do : )) and i was askin u if u got any info cuz i want to practice in hong kong too
but i got an e mail u can send for singapore i sent them but they didnt reply yet i hope it helps
[email protected]
Hello ,

How lucky I am to find this archive!

I am a Toronto dentist and am considering going back to HK to practice. I have been trying to find information about licensing exam but haven't been able to find much. Can anyone give me any advice on where to look?

Do I have to go back to HK to take the exams? Anyone know what's the job prospect in HK these days?

Any advice will be appreciated .

I am going to sit the licensing exam this yr. I am working in Australia at the moment

I graduated from Australia and am now working in Shanghai, China. I will be moving to HK next year and plan to continue practising dentistry there. If anyone has any information regarding the board exam please share it with me.

Thanks so much.
hey chomp chomp
I graduated from Qld HOW ABOUT YOU ?
hey would you be Hong Kong around 11/2-18/2 maybe I can catch up with you sometime
Hi Terry,

Sorry i haven't been checking the posts often. So sorry i missed you while you were in HK. So, are you still sitting for the exam this year in Oct 2010? Drop me and email. Mayb we can do an online study group to share notes. [email protected]
hey chomp chomp,
are you planning to do the licensing exam this year?
me too, it would be good if we can share notes?
I'm a graduate from UWA, Australia and will also be sitting the dental registration exams in Hong Kong this year. I would like to get in touch with other people that are sitting the exams or have previously sat these exams and share information
Does anyone have access to any previous papers or sample questions?
Hi Everyone

Thought I'd write and offer some help with the exams as I have sat and passed Part I and Part II last year, but failed a section of Part III, which I am sitting this year.

Part I: All multiple choice questions, but very factual and quite random I'm afraid. The Dental Public Health part is all about HK facts (fluoride levels in water, DMFT in HK)etc. Most people fail this stage, but just learn as many facts as possible and answer every question!

Part II: practical exams are not that bad, just made sure you practice to do the perfect prep/cavity on PLASTIC teeth. In the Perio part of the exam, they are looking more for posture and correct holding of hand instruments (ie: finger rest) rather than actually getting all the calculus off the teeth. To my knowledge and speaking to others, never has anyone had to make an ortho appliance. Last year, had to survey and design partial denture, cut a cavity on deciduous tooth, scale calculus, raise flaps for removal impacted wisdom, impacted canine and apicectomy, prep lateral incisor for crown.

Part III: composed of 3 parts.
1: seeing a real patient and carrying out H&E in order to get a treatment plan and diagnosis
2: Maxfac and Oral Surg: will be shown radiographs/pics/etc and asked for diagnosis and treatment
3: Paeds and Ortho: Is comprised of 15 pictures that make up an OSCE. This is the one I failed as if you read the candidates guidelines, there is no mention of an OSCE: so make sure you know how to recognise childhood diseases, syndromes, trauma, ortho, appliances, cysts, etc etc!! This exam is only 30mins long and yes..if you fail, you will only need to re-sit this part, but you will still have to pay the full exam fee! :mad:

Hope this helps. Good luck
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Oh yes, there are no past papers or sample questions available as I suspect they repeat quite a few of the questions.
Accidentally bumped into this post. Sounds like there are quite a few Aust grads here too, this reminds me of the fun I had gone through some years ago.

I passed all Parts I, II, III in the same year and then decided not to work in HKG as I couldn't spot any good jobs at that time. What a waste of time.

By the way, I recommend not to sit this exam immediately as a fresh grad as I strongly believe they do look at your clinical experience. I did the exam after 3 years of bachelor grad.
Thanks Cazdentist,

I have passed Part I and will now be sitting Part II in december.

The OSCE (paedo and ortho) is that an oral or written section? Can you remember any of the cases or questions for Part III exam?

The Oral Med and Sx section: is that x-rays of cysts/tumours etc?
If you have any suggestions for study material/books for this section, that would be great!
Would you suggest then to focus study mainly on ortho, paedo, oral med and surgery for Part III? Is there any there any head and neck anatomy, pharmacology or Endo?

Thanks again:)
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I'm also in Aust and can give you some advice. Firstly, don't rely on the guidelines as it can be misleading. For instance, for OMFS it says to raise flaps on mandibular jaw but in fact you will be asked to raise various flaps on the maxilla. My eyes were sticking out when I saw those questions. For Part III, you need to know the scope and structure of the examination.
There is no anatomy, pharmacology and endo in Parts II and III. This is not FRACDS.
Can anyone let me know the price of the exams and where they are held please?
Can anyone let me know the price of the exams and where they are held please?

All parts are all held in Hong Kong. For exact costs you should phone the relevant council as it changes year to year. When you pass one part, you have to be ready and be there again for the next part. I had to fly over several times in the same year in order to complete all three parts. It was very difficult to take leave off work because you would not know whether you pass one part of not, and whether to wait here or there, or to resume work.
All parts are all held in Hong Kong. For exact costs you should phone the relevant council as it changes year to year. When you pass one part, you have to be ready and be there again for the next part. I had to fly over several times in the same year in order to complete all three parts. It was very difficult to take leave off work because you would not know whether you pass one part of not, and whether to wait here or there, or to resume work.

Hi! May I ask why everybody in this page is interested in HK dental board examination? Even those graduates from Canada, England or Australia!! Why? what is special about practicing dentistry in Hong Kong ?

Thank you.
i would like to know if u hv received any information about the exams ?
i would appreciate if u could share the information

While you are graduate of Canada, why do you want to take HK board exam? Why not Canada?
I'm a graduate from UWA, Australia and will also be sitting the dental registration exams in Hong Kong this year. I would like to get in touch with other people that are sitting the exams or have previously sat these exams and share information
Does anyone have access to any previous papers or sample questions?

While you are graduate of AUS, why do u want to take HK board exam? why not AUS?
Hello ,

How lucky I am to find this archive!

I am a Toronto dentist and am considering going back to HK to practice. I have been trying to find information about licensing exam but haven't been able to find much. Can anyone give me any advice on where to look?

Do I have to go back to HK to take the exams? Anyone know what's the job prospect in HK these days?

Any advice will be appreciated .


It is not easy to be a dentist in Canada. Why do you want to practice in HK?
Hi! May I ask why everybody in this page is interested in HK dental board examination? Even those graduates from Canada, England or Australia!! Why? what is special about practicing dentistry in Hong Kong ?

Thank you.

I believe the majority of candidates are originally from HK with Chinese background, like myself. Other reasons may be family reunion, people taking postgrad in HK, lifestyle factors, eligibility to work overseas (if you travelled overseas just to study and need to go back to HK), self challenge etc.
I'm a Canadian dentist and I'm looking into writing the HK dental board exam this year. I've worked for a year and a half and find the opportunities especially in cities like Vancouver and Toronto not so good because it is densely over populated with dentists. Yes, there can be six dental offices inside a single mall and it is absolutely ridiculous how competitive it is. I'm not saying that HK will necessarily be better, but I love the city, speak Cantonese and have people to stay with, as well as possible job connections.

Any other advice for the board exam will be greatly appreciated. I have no idea how to study but need to start soon! Any recommended study aids or texts? Will the US NBDE dental decks (Part I and II) be useful?
I believe the majority of candidates are originally from HK with Chinese background, like myself. Other reasons may be family reunion, people taking postgrad in HK, lifestyle factors, eligibility to work overseas (if you travelled overseas just to study and need to go back to HK), self challenge etc.

Thanks smileline for your answer. Have you taken HK board exam already? Do you know the passing rate for foreigners? btw, is being a registered dentist before taking the exam necessary? or even fresh overseas graduates can also take HK board exam?
1. Yes, I passed all parts of the examination (parts I,II,III) on one attempt some years ago. I did not end up wanting to stay in HK as there were no jobs. I did this for self challenge only.

2. The passing rate is not that high. You can check that on the their website. The year I did it, they had a total of five passing candidates.

3. You must already be a dentist as you have to show your certificate of good standing. For many countries, (eg. Australia/Hong Kong), once you graduate from your undergraduate degree, you are automatically registrable as a dentist (at least in that country) without further examination anyway.

Hope this answers your questions.
anyone planning to sit in this year's licensing exam in october 2011?
any tips or advice?
hello chompchomp, r u currently practicing in HK? how was the license exam there? is it a lot harder than the one we have in china? im a dentist in shanghai, china as well. please give me some suggestion and advises. thank you.
Hi chompchomp, im wondering y u deicide to practice in HK instead of Australia? is the dentist pay better in HK than Australia?