1. How many exams do you have per week?
2. Can you describe your "typical" day?
3. Are you happy with your decision to study at DMU?
4. What are somethings you wish DMU could improve on?
5. What steps has DMU faculty taken to address concerns about the weaker second year curriculum? (Weaker as in lack of boards-relevance.)
6. Have you adjusted your study habits since starting medical school? How?
7. What kind of activities do students do for fun in their free time?
8. How do you feel about the 1st year curriculum so far?
1. THIS VARIES SO MUCH. Anywhere from 0 exams to 3 exams/week. First semester is mostly 1 exam a week with some 2 exam weeks. Second semester is mostly 2 exams a week.
2. Again, this varies even if you plan on attending classes. I don't attend classes but we do have some mandatory ones. This is/was my day today
8am wake up
9-12 Study in the library for tomorrow's exam
12-12:30 Lunch meeting
12:30-1 Food + Coffee
1-3 Anatomy Lab
3- whatever time Study for tomorrow's exam
Some days there are no mandatory things and other days there are many mandatory things. Campus opens at 5am and closes 12pm/1am. First semester is more chill than second semester but there also more mandatory classes.
You kind of plan your day based on what exams coming up and what things are mandatory.
Classes usually start at 8 but not always. We have grand rounds at 7am a couple times a semester.
3. Yes I am, it's not perfect but no medical school is.
4. Curriculum, will explain more later and I wish we had dedicated board studying time
5. I dunno anything about this, just a first year, but from what I can tell, classes are relevant to board material.
6. OMG YES! Of course. Studying for more hours, watch lots of videos at 1.5x-3x speed, flash card programs like Anki/Quizlet, etc etc. I personally have a different study strategy for different classes. Some classes are more about the details, others are more about concepts. It is all about repetition.
7. Mostly drink honestly. Get food with friends. Go see a movie. Depends on the group of friends, some people do potlucks and movie nights and other people do poker nights. Grey's Lake Park for frisbee, walking, etc. They have intramural sports in the gym- soccer, volleyball, basketball. Random events around town- Octoberfest, Food festival, Iowa state fair,
8. Will have to get back to you on this one, I have alot to say and not much time right now