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Sep 10, 2020
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Hey guys so I was just accepted to two dental schools yesterday, and now that the excitement has sunk in, the worry has begun lol. I want to hear from from current dental students ESPECIALLY if you go to Midwestern-IL, Roseman or Colorado :)

Some background info on my situation: I got two small dogs in undergrad and have had them both for about 6 years. They'll always go with me wherever I go, and I want to plan ahead to make sure they handle this adjustment as well as possible.

If current students could chime in:

1. If you or someone you know has a dog or pets in dental school, how do y'all take care of them properly with such a busy schedule/time away from home?

2. Do you guys actually attend every lecture (8-5), or are many lectures recorded and attendance is not taken/required for your grade? I learn well on my own and that way I could be at home a little more often.

If you guys are comfortable, it would be awesome to know where you attend dental school, what your schedule is like/was like as a D1 or D2, and any tips on taking care of pets in dental school.

Thank you so much in advance!!

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I think it all depends upon your breed, what apartment/living space you can afford, how far you are from school, and how organized you are.

My dog is a smaller breed, so he stays in the house and is house trained to use the bathroom on a pad.

My apartment charges a bit extra for my pet, but for me it’s worth it.

I am set on a rhythm. Try to wake up early and let the dog out to use the restroom, dry food only and water throughout the day, and when I’m home, a walk in the evening.

I’m not specializing, so for me my grades weren’t a big issue for me. For others who were and were really good academically, not sure how that was for them. The bit of time allowed me more time with him. Pets need love, too!

No one in my class with pets has had issues so far. I’m in my last year.
With COVID you could have like a zoo during dental school and be fine
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I think it all depends upon your breed, what apartment/living space you can afford, how far you are from school, and how organized you are.

My dog is a smaller breed, so he stays in the house and is house trained to use the bathroom on a pad.

My apartment charges a bit extra for my pet, but for me it’s worth it.

I am set on a rhythm. Try to wake up early and let the dog out to use the restroom, dry food only and water throughout the day, and when I’m home, a walk in the evening.

I’m not specializing, so for me my grades weren’t a big issue for me. For others who were and were really good academically, not sure how that was for them. The bit of time allowed me more time with him. Pets need love, too!

No one in my class with pets has had issues so far. I’m in my last year.
Thanks for replying! Did you have to attend every lecture at your school or were they recorded/attendance was not taken?
I go to MWU-AZ but it’s the same system as MWU-IL. All lectures are recorded, was always this way before COVID. D1 year is all basic sciences which is not mandatory to attend so you can stay home and study from the recorded lectures. Only Oral Health Science classes, Sim Clinic (which IL does on Fridays for D1’s), and rotations are mandatory to attend. D2 year may be a little more busy since the rest of your schedule will be filled with more OHS lectures and Sim is 2x a week with more rotations (several hours once or twice a week). But by then you can figure out a roommate system or get your dogs on a particular schedule that will work. We have a lot of non-traditional students at MWU with full families, as well as tons of pet lovers. It works out fine for all of us. You will have loads of classmates willing to pet sit too when you have to do any extended traveling over breaks.
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With COVID you could have like a zoo during dental school and be fine
I go to MWU-AZ but it’s the same system as MWU-IL. All lectures are recorded, was always this way before COVID. D1 year is all basic sciences which is not mandatory to attend so you can stay home and study from the recorded lectures. Only Oral Health Science classes, Sim Clinic (which IL does on Fridays for D1’s), and rotations are mandatory to attend. D2 year may be a little more busy since the rest of your schedule will be filled with more OHS lectures and Sim is 2x a week with more rotations (several hours once or twice a week). But by then you can figure out a roommate system or get your dogs on a particular schedule that will work. We have a lot of non-traditional students at MWU with full families, as well as tons of pet lovers. It works out fine for all of us. You will have loads of classmates willing to pet sit too when you have to do any extended traveling over breaks.
Thank you so much for your response, I think having that flexibility will help me and my pups adjust to the craziness of dental school a bit easier.
D1, have had a dog since undergrad as well and its not a problem as well. You need to take time off for yourself to relax and not get burnt out, spending time outside with your dogs will be great for you.
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