Doing my last 2 years of undergrad online?

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May 25, 2018
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I’m currently 27 years old and just finished my prerequisite classes my local community college. I also became certified as a Surgical Technician, which is why I’m in a predicament.

Would it be okay for me to finish my last two years of my undergraduate degree at a nice university (University of Florida) ONLINE while I work as a Surgical Technician? I do awesome in online classes and the online ones are the same as in person - even the names and credits are counted the same. I live in Georgia, so it’s not like it’ll be obvious I finished it online.

I’m considering applying to med schools and anesthesiologist assistant programs. I was preparing for med school, so I have really good stats for both and feel like I’m decently competitive so far, but I don’t want to hurt myself by going to UF online. I personally think finishing at UF online and getting some awesome OR experience would be better than me finishing at my closest no-name university and getting no work experience. I also could really use the money because I have to pay all my bills myself and my savings from my previous job are running thin.


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I'm doing this now, though I'm returning to campus post-bac to finish my sciences. I won't be able to say how well it works out for another year or so, but the thing that made this a viable option for me was that my school doesn't differentiate between online and in-person courses. If you look at my transcripts and course syllabi, you wouldn't be able to tell which classes were online. If you feel like you won't suffer academically, I guess I'd say find out how the classes will look in your transcripts, and if they show as online, do any of the programs you're interested in care?
Many medical schools do not take online courses to fulfill prerequisite courses requirements. Invest in the MSAR to see exactly which schools do and don't take online courses.
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I'm doing this now, though I'm returning to campus post-bac to finish my sciences. I won't be able to say how well it works out for another year or so, but the thing that made this a viable option for me was that my school doesn't differentiate between online and in-person courses. If you look at my transcripts and course syllabi, you wouldn't be able to tell which classes were online. If you feel like you won't suffer academically, I guess I'd say find out how the classes will look in your transcripts, and if they show as online, do any of the programs you're interested in care?

My school doesn’t differentiate either. They show the same on a transcript. If I do online, I can actually get some OR experience too.
Many medical schools do not take online courses to fulfill prerequisite courses requirements. Invest in the MSAR to see exactly which schools do and don't take online courses.

I’ve done all my prerequisites in person - I’m talking about the rest of my last two years online. No prerequisites will be done online for me! I’ll check out the MSAR as well.
I’m currently 27 years old and just finished my prerequisite classes my local community college. I also became certified as a Surgical Technician, which is why I’m in a predicament.

Would it be okay for me to finish my last two years of my undergraduate degree at a nice university (University of Florida) ONLINE while I work as a Surgical Technician? I do awesome in online classes and the online ones are the same as in person - even the names and credits are counted the same. I live in Georgia, so it’s not like it’ll be obvious I finished it online.

I’m considering applying to med schools and anesthesiologist assistant programs. I was preparing for med school, so I have really good stats for both and feel like I’m decently competitive so far, but I don’t want to hurt myself by going to UF online. I personally think finishing at UF online and getting some awesome OR experience would be better than me finishing at my closest no-name university and getting no work experience. I also could really use the money because I have to pay all my bills myself and my savings from my previous job are running thin.
