D'Youville Application Thread

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I am interested in knowing what the ub faculty think about this. Can any ub students let me know if they've heard anything from them?

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All the universities with big sports programs have commercials. Each school gets a spot during halftime.
The UB commercial that aired during the super bowl wasn't exactly top quality either. Actually, it was right on par with D'Youville. Guess you can't judge a school by the commercial...
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The UB commercial that aired during the super bowl wasn't exactly top quality either. Actually, it was right on par with D'Youville. Guess you can't judge a school by the commercial...
I didn't see it during the super bowl but in general, ub has gotten better over the last two years. They started to get on tv in the last couple years. I noticed they didn't any commercials. Not that it made a difference to the team but I thought come on UB everyone has commercials. Later in the season they started putting like 10 second crappy ones that pretty much said the University at Buffalo. Then they started putting ones that showed UB's highlights (I remember one was about surfactant). So there was progression, but they are still not nearly as good as the Alabama one I posted earlier (that one was really good). Though I guess it depends on how much you put into it.
Has anyone who applied here recently had an interview? Feeback will be really appreciated. :)
For anyone who is interested, D'Youville received the go-ahead from the NYS Education Department on Wednesday. Pre-accreditation can't be far behind.
I have an interview on the same date, @ 9 am in the morning
Well they are definitely accepting students now. I recieved my acceptance letter today. I am going to send them my "thanks but no thanks" letter back. Good luck to everyone else.
Well they are definitely accepting students now. I recieved my acceptance letter today. I am going to send them my "thanks but no thanks" letter back. Good luck to everyone else.

How was the interview process? Any insight or tips to prepare as I will have mine next weekend. :)
oh wow I have an interview on the 20th as well! see you folks there! Any feedback would help! anyone?
oh wow I have an interview on the 20th as well! see you folks there! Any feedback would help! anyone?

I guess we all that are interviewing tomm. will have to see how it goes on our own since no one has any positive feeback on the interview....sigh. :rolleyes:
I know I'm feeling really nervous to go in un-knowing like this. Are any of you staying at a hotel? I'm at the Holiday inn right now!
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I know I'm feeling really nervous to go in un-knowing like this. Are any of you staying at a hotel? I'm at the Holiday inn right now!

Hey gurl, I believe we both had a very non-wrecking interview this morning...by the way you spoke very well! Good luck to you :luck:
Yes it was great meeting you! I think we all did well in that group activity! I felt like we really worked off each other and we made ourselves look gret as group!! Best of luck! Keep in touch, if we attend we could room together! :)
Yes it was great meeting you! I think we all did well in that group activity! I felt like we really worked off each other and we made ourselves look gret as group!! Best of luck! Keep in touch, if we attend we could room together! :)

Most definitely! And yes I will keep in touch, Goodluck with you as well. :luck:
kitsune248 or fiestychix03 I see that you both had an interview over the weekend and I wanted to know what it was like. I have an interview on Wednesday and I have hear nothing about what to be ready for. Any input would be awesome!
kitsune248 or fiestychix03 I see that you both had an interview over the weekend and I wanted to know what it was like. I have an interview on Wednesday and I have hear nothing about what to be ready for. Any input would be awesome!

It's different from a traditional interview where you are interviewd by a panel of faculty and or students. I liked their style because its interpersonel and they really want to know who you are. You will be asked 5 different questions and they want to know what you would do in that scenario. The 6 question is a group collaboration. Goodluck to you! :luck:
As she said it is a very nice style of interviewing because if you flop with one question or interviewer you have a clean slate with the next! As well as if you ace all 5 it can be a very powerful thing in your favor! The questions are very ethical and they are sort of "do or die". Some are very easy ie: "an angry cutomer comes in and tells you she recieved poor service. . etc.. . What do you do?" But the questions are along those lines and you are never asked "Why pharmacy?" "why D'Youville?" etc. At this stage they want to know what kind of person you are. It is actually very casual and Mr. Marasco does much to make it informal and super friendly! You get a group question at the end ( I assume to distingush the "leaders") Personally I loved the interview and felt I did extremely well. It gives you an excellent forum to express yourself rather then pretend to be what they want you to be!

As for the college I was EXTREMELY IMPRESSED! This isn't anything to be considered like a bang up job! they are so prepared if not overly anxious to get the school open and have you succeed. The Facilities are AMAZING, and even though we did not get to tour the new building it is absolutly breathe taking and Mr. Marasco did much to tell us about every detail down to the fact that he wanted new technology to fine wood working in the building! Don't be fooled by peoples previous statments. They haven't taken a tour of this establishment and by no way would I consider this program to not be up to par just because it's new! The school it self has been emersed in the health professions for a very long time turning out chiropractors, PA's, physical therapists and nurses (I believe nurses but am not 100% sure) so its not like they just decided to go and make a pharmacy school willy nilly. The dean was at our interview and is a pharmD himself and Mr. Marasco is an extremely competent man on a mission to say the least. If I get accepted here I would be thrilled to go!!
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Thank you both so much. It sounds like it is going to be a good experience and I feel better now that I know more about it.
The interview is really laid back as they just wanna see how you think. I was interviewed back in January. They have their pre-candidacy status and I was accepted =) The new building should be finished soon!
Well I just got my Acceptance letter and Email today!:soexcited: I interviewed on 2/20! I'm so happy and relieved to have been accepted somewhere!!! any news fiestychix03? I know you were in my group!!
Well I just got my Acceptance letter and Email today!:soexcited: I interviewed on 2/20! I'm so happy and relieved to have been accepted somewhere!!! any news fiestychix03? I know you were in my group!!

Yess Congratulations!!! I received mine yesterday as well whoo! :D
Now decision time?!?
So besides fiestychix03 I was wondering who else was accepted and will be attending? I'm still waiting to hear back from my top choice but I'm also concidering the fact that I may most likely be attending Pharm school here. So with that said. . . I live 6hrs away and will be living at the graduate appartments and was wondering who else was accepted. So that maybe it could make finding 3 other rooms mates an enjoyable experience instead of a surprise on move in day! lol
Hey kitsune, I just sent my deposit in yesterday since I can't take the wait anymore for MD! lol, my luck they will call today or tomm. saying I get in! ha... Annyway has D'Youville sent you info on tuition and stuff yet since it's not on their website, just want to know where they stand as far as cost. Thanks :)
Tuition will be $27,500 for 2010-11. Fees will be published shortly but should be in the range of $205/semester. Still working on lab fees.

Welcome to D'Youville! We can't wait to greet the inaugural class!!!
Thanks for the advice DYC admin. Are you a faculty member? I was looking at housing. Is the posted $4000 a year correct? :)
Thanks for the advice DYC admin. Are you a faculty member? I was looking at housing. Is the posted $4000 a year correct? :)

The semester rate for the graduate student apartments is posted on the web site here.....

The pharmacy school calendar is a little longer so there may be a supplemental charge for an extra four weeks. I do not know whether the housing fee will be the same next year. Call student housing to get the rate for the next academic year.
Kitsune and fiestychix, I got accepted today. That's whas up
congrats arsenalfc. . . do you intend on attending dyc?
congrats arsenalfc. . . do you intend on attending dyc?
Well I live in Buffalo, so it's only logical. But I hope that I can pass my boards and get a decent residency during/after my 4 years there. Even if Pitt comes through, the cost of both schools would be about the same.
Just looking for potential roomates if the other school I'm waiting for rejects me
Yes kitsune I got accepted...already sent in my acceptance letter, will be attending, I believe we had our interview together back on Feb. 20th.
Yes kitsune I got accepted...already sent in my acceptance letter, will be attending, I believe we had our interview together back on Feb. 20th.

Hey! What was your name?! I was the asian girl in the black suit (Nicole). Wow fiestychix got in too (although she will be attending else where) those are great odds in our interview! lol 3 out of 5 of us got in! :thumbup:
Hey guys just wanted to check in, congrats a7x24lyso! We really had a great group...I really wish I could have had you as classmates but ultimately have to choose the school of lesser cost. Goodluck guys, but we should keep in touch, especially you nicole :)
Hey! What was your name?! I was the asian girl in the black suit (Nicole). Wow fiestychix got in too (although she will be attending else where) those are great odds in our interview! lol 3 out of 5 of us got in! :thumbup:

Hey congrats again Nicole, i'm Andrew, the one that sat directly across from you. I was going all out with my suit blue dress shirt and tie, wore glasses...we talked outside after the tour. I agree we did have a phenom group, glad to find out someone i met is attending aswell!
hey guys... So who's alll going to D'youville.. ? Well im from buffalo ( UB ) and i gotta tell you i was highly impressed with the whole interview process. I was blown away " i really think the school knows where they are going and they need amazing people to make it happen " The words of Dr Morasco**** We know you guys are qualified applicants we are here to see how compassionate you are as an individual.... Im looking forward to really going to the school however i have an interview at fisher tomorrow so it comes down to the two schools.. Its one of the biggest decisions i would ever have to make. My biggest problem was getting into pharm school; now its deciding which school to go to. Any comments ?
Hey congrats again Nicole, i'm Andrew, the one that sat directly across from you. I was going all out with my suit blue dress shirt and tie, wore glasses...we talked outside after the tour. I agree we did have a phenom group, glad to find out someone i met is attending aswell!

Hey Andrew! I remember you! Yes you did look quite dashing! hehe I know you dont live too far from the school I believe, but will you be living there? I wonder if its co-ed, I really have no quams about living with guys, most of my best friends are guys so it would be much easier. I'm just looking to live with 3 people I can get to know before we spend a whole year together. Not to mention I want to live with other pharm students in my class becuase the housing is also open to other grad students too.

hey guys... So who's alll going to D'youville.. ? Well im from buffalo ( UB ) and i gotta tell you i was highly impressed with the whole interview process. I was blown away " i really think the school knows where they are going and they need amazing people to make it happen " The words of Dr Morasco**** We know you guys are qualified applicants we are here to see how compassionate you are as an individual.... Im looking forward to really going to the school however i have an interview at fisher tomorrow so it comes down to the two schools.. Its one of the biggest decisions i would ever have to make. My biggest problem was getting into pharm school; now its deciding which school to go to. Any comments ?

Honestly I was so impressed by the school! I was not expecting anthing near that caliber for a new school. I think if we could have seen the new building I would have been even more "wowed" I'm also waiting to hear back from Temple because its closer to home but if I end up going to DYC it will not at all be me "settling". They have everything so ready to a tee, and want to work with the students for so much feedback that I know the experience is going to be fantastic!!! Dr. Morasco is clearly an extremely competant and not to mention funny man, which makes me feel so good about this new program!!
Will do melgymoy! Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?!
Well I got waitlisted at Temple so looks like I'll be seeing all of you in the fall! =) Anyone looking for roomie in the graduate housing?!
Has no one else heard anything back yet? They were very quick with replying back to me! (4 days!) Are interviews still going on? I heard the end of this month was it for interviews! So far myself and a7x24lyso are the only two on facebook who have D'youville college school of pharmacy listed as part of ouy search info. I'd love to get to meet more of you on FB if you don't mind!! =)
They are still doing interviews. I have mine on Wednesday the 7th. That was the last date that was given to me as an option so I don't know if they have more after that or not. I hope I get in, I love Buffalo and from the website and what everyone here has been saying it seems like the staff is very committed to doing something great here. I am so nervous, I'll let you all know how it goes.

How long did it take for them to contact you after the interview?
well my interview was a wednesday the 20th and I received by email that following monday but the letter I got as well on monday was dated the 24th which means they decided in 4 days but waited the weekend to tell me.

Congrats on all that were excepted! Of those who are in that group, can anyone tell me if they recieved any other information besides the email with orientation dates. I reserved my seat a couple of months back but haven't recieved any information "in the near future" as promissed. Can anyone help me out and give me a rundown of what you know tuition wise. I looked online and got a $/credit estimate for grad courses but that is all I know.

Thanks in advance!:)
They told us in the interview last week that tuition and fees was like $27,950. And apparently for the first year you are considered an undergrad so loans and stuff are all in the undergrad type and not the graduate type loans where you can take way more money. I think Dr. Marasco said that the graduate housing was $8000.

I hope I get it. He told us they send out letters through the mail and not through email. I can't wait.