ECE Evaluation - US Equivalent DDS

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2+ Year Member
Jul 25, 2018
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Hello, I just received my ECE course-by-course evaluation today. A majority of other doctors who have graduated from the same country (Philippines) and completed ECE had a "U.S. Equivalent Summary: Bachelor's in dental medicine" or even "completed 4/5 years at a dental college". My question is: has anyone received the same US equivalent summary as I have, below? (Doctor of dental surgery degree). What does mean? Am I at an advantage when submitting application compared to those with the bachelor's? Better yet, can I apply directly for licensure because I have this equivalent?

Thanks so much for your answers!


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The program was 4 years of dental proper with a 2-year pre-dental course. Did you also receive this DDS equivalent? (assuming you went to a dental school outside of USA, as well).
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The program was 4 years of dental proper with a 2-year pre-dental course. Did you also receive this DDS equivalent? (assuming you went to a dental school outside of USA, as well).
Mine is 5 years study in dentistry.
"DDS equivalent" doesn't make any difference. Does your country require one more year of practice post-school to get a license? My country requires that, though on record it is only 5 years.
And, the United States normally doesn't recognize foreign Doctor's degree, as far as I know from Asian countries. So your credential doesn't mean a better start than other people. An exception is you have at least 3 publications on core periodicals.
The dental school normally would recheck into the transcripts when they review your material, and some even require an official transcript from your school. Each state asks for graduation from an ACCREDITED dental school to get a license.
I think the main reason ECE gave such an evaluation is based on your schooling of 6 years in a dental program or the credits you earned. That's a bug, very likely. You can share how many credits you have if you would like to.
It was an average evaluation, nothing special. Some foreign programs are not comparable and those people can not apply for IDP at all
To get licensed in the US you have to be a graduate of CODA recognized program only