I am 28 yo, part time registered nurse in med surge, have been the chair for a safety committee at work, did research with an MD at the hospital (but my school wants me to do lab research with faculty member so they are not counting that research) I just started training in a lab but I am not doing anything it feels like a waste of my time. I am worried because I am applying next year and I haven't found any community service, I am taking the MCAT this august and also taking orgo lab 2 this summer. I am getting interviewed for my committee letter this fall and I don't know if getting volunteering hours its even worth it at this point. my pre med advisor keeps telling me I'm running out of time but the truth is that between work and school I barely have time to do anything else. I have a 3.5 overall and 3.3 science. I haven't met any other nurses who are transitioning and I'm starting to think I'm crazy for wanting to go to med school.