Female medical student and feeling like I will be forever alone

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Early 20s? Better hang up the ovaries because it's pretty much over with. Maybe get a cat.


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I hope to god you are not serious.....

actually I think he might be on to something. i went to my indian friend's wedding (which was arranged) over the summer. he's a really nice guy, works in finance, and is starting at a top business school but he's only like 5'5'' and already balding at age 26 so not exactly a catch. he's also gotten a lot chubbier since the last time i saw him but his wife was super cute - 8/10 in my books and i'm not usually into indian women. i highly doubt he could have pulled that by conventional dating so i think his job/education pedigree definitely helped him out there.
the regular white guy doesn't have that trick in his sleeve. :)
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bish please

you can go out there and easily get a great husband

what you can't get is a great husband who also has the equivalent or greater social status than you

I agree here. Tons of great guys who probably "only" earn 50k or 70k. Often, many people want their relationship to make them better or move them up.

actually I think he might be on to something. i went to my indian friend's wedding (which was arranged) over the summer. he's a really nice guy, works in finance, and is starting at a top business school but he's only like 5'5'' and already balding at age 26 so not exactly a catch. he's also gotten a lot chubbier since the last time i saw him but his wife was super cute - 8/10 in my books and i'm not usually into indian women. i highly doubt he could have pulled that by conventional dating so i think his job/education pedigree definitely helped him out there.

So arranged marriages do work.
I agree here. Tons of great guys who probably "only" earn 50k or 70k. Often, many people want their relationship to make them better or move them up.

So arranged marriages do work.

Obviously. I don't know anyone who gets into a relationship to make them worse or move them down the socioeconomic ladder.

And of course arranged marriages work, compare the divorce rates and that's obvious. However thats mostly because social stigma/pressure saying if you get a divorce you've failed at life.
actually I think he might be on to something. i went to my indian friend's wedding (which was arranged) over the summer. he's a really nice guy, works in finance, and is starting at a top business school but he's only like 5'5'' and already balding at age 26 so not exactly a catch. he's also gotten a lot chubbier since the last time i saw him but his wife was super cute - 8/10 in my books and i'm not usually into indian women. i highly doubt he could have pulled that by conventional dating so i think his job/education pedigree definitely helped him out there.

He's a catch in the in-laws eyes. Safe bet for their daughter.
Obviously. I don't know anyone who gets into a relationship to make them worse or move them down the socioeconomic ladder.

Haha. I'm not going to get into a relationships argument, but there are plenty of people not getting into relationships to boost their happiness or social standing. In fact, I would argue that the happiest relationships are the one's where the individuals don't feel like they NEED the relationship to provide them anything. In other words, they are perfectly satisfied with or without the relationship and aren't thinking of moving up or down any ladders.
I mean I'm not ugly or anything. Seriously. Or obese. Or even fat. Or even unattractive. I dress well, eat well, groom well, exercise, and in general, take care of myself. But I feel, every day, I am getting older and older...and that's not stopping any time soon?

Are you serious? You're a young girl. Get a friend slightly less attractive than you and go to a college bar. Guys will literally come up to you. Turn them down as you wish, take your pick. Or go to the gym. Put yourself out there -- you won't find anybody staying in your room all day. Girls have it so easy. Even if you just want a casual relationship, I guarantee you that you won't have a problem finding a guy that's ok with that if you lay it out up front.
Seriously girls go for the classic "good looking guy"... been talking to this girl for quite awhile now, things are going well... In comes the 6'4", built, good looking dude.. Woop, game over for me.. level up for him. It's bull****!

So if you're one of the girls then I don't feel bad for you one bit!

You lost the girl because you were "talking" to her "for quite a while", while mr. macho frat boy got straight down to business and gave her what she wanted. Looks only get you a foot in the door. You already managed to get your foot in the door and blew it. Now you know what not to do next time:cool:
You lost the girl because you were "talking" to her "for quite a while", while mr. macho frat boy got straight down to business and gave her what she wanted. Looks only get you a foot in the door. You already managed to get your foot in the door and blew it. Now you know what not to do next time:cool:

lol. These threads always are entertaining.

Not sure what is meant by that sentence, but oh well. Guys are funny.
Maybe you should move to India after residency? There is like a billion people over there, gotta be some wife material there...

I don't need to move. An Indian doctor in America is at the top of the food chain. Women and their families will come to me, and I'll get to pick one much like you or I would choose a new television.

Just gotta get past Anatomy, then STEP1, then rotations, then interviews. Ah well, we all gonna make it.
lol. These threads always are entertaining.

Not sure what is meant by that sentence, but oh well. Guys are funny.

It means that you should limit your preliminary interactions with a girl until you're on a date. That means go in, get a number and make some plans and get out. Don't waste time trying to schmooze her up. Also don't waste time texting a lot beforehand because you might find yourself without anything to talk about when you actually meet.
It means that you should limit your preliminary interactions with a girl until you're on a date. That means go in, get a number and make some plans and get out. Don't waste time trying to schmooze her up. Also don't waste time texting a lot beforehand because you might find yourself without anything to talk about when you actually meet.

This guy gets it. Very easy to slip in the friend zone (which it sounds like the other poster did).

The girls in this thread will disagree with me, but you have to be an a**hole to them at first. Rough em up a little bit. Will pay dividends in the long run.
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It means that you should limit your preliminary interactions with a girl until you're on a date. That means go in, get a number and make some plans and get out. Don't waste time trying to schmooze her up. Also don't waste time texting a lot beforehand because you might find yourself without anything to talk about when you actually meet.

Yeah, I understand that making your intentions known immediately is a good thing.

I still find this funny. Excited for the SDN players handbook / protocol to come out.

Ch 1: Get down to bizness. Give her what she wants. U mirin' brah?
This guy gets it. Very easy to slip in the friend zone (which it sounds like the other poster did).

The girls in this thread will disagree with me, but you have to be an a**hole to them at first. Rough em up a little bit. Will pay dividends in the long run.

I'm a guy and I disagree with the sentiment.
Yeah, I understand that making your intentions known immediately is a good thing.

I still find this funny. Excited for the SDN players handbook / protocol to come out.

Ch 1: Get down to bizness. Give her what she wants. U mirin' brah?

What the hell is a "mirin"?

EDIT: just looked up on Wikipedia, apparently it's a type of condiment. What does that have to do with anything?
Yeah, because if it was reversed and a Megan Fox gave you a wink you'd stay focused on your freckled cutie with an overbite and clever wordplay. pfft. girls are human too. next.

Maybe he's really into hands and the whole BDD thumb thing would be a deal breaker?


OP is currently alone but not seeking steady companionship. I don't see the issue here.

Seriously girls go for the classic "good looking guy"... been talking to this girl for quite awhile now, things are going well... In comes the 6'4", built, good looking dude.. Woop, game over for me.. level up for him. It's bull****!

I'm sorry, I didn't realize...
I met my now fiancee on a dating website. I suggest you look at them and ditch the pity party. Guys can smell desperation ;)

Relax, you still have a ton of time to find someone.

Yes... but it's not quite as obvious as blood in the water (smell). Instead, think Ampullae of Lorenzini.
This guy gets it. Very easy to slip in the friend zone (which it sounds like the other poster did).

The girls in this thread will disagree with me, but you have to be an a**hole to them at first. Rough em up a little bit. Will pay dividends in the long run.

Anyone you have to do this to is someone you probably shouldn't try to be in a long term relationship with. This sounds like advice a high schooler would give someone, or at best, a frat boy.

I am a dude.
Anyone you have to do this to is someone you probably shouldn't try to be in a long term relationship with. This sounds like advice a high schooler would give someone, or at best, a frat boy.

I am a dude.

I'm just talking about how to slay the most tang. Trust me, it's the way to go.

You have to tweak your strategy a little if you actually want a long term relationship.
As a female medical student in her 2nd year, in her early 20s, and observing most of the class becoming either married, engaged, in long term relationships, or pairing up...I am beginning to feel that I may be forever alone and eventually die alone.

I mean I'm not ugly or anything. Seriously. Or obese. Or even fat. Or even unattractive. I dress well, eat well, groom well, exercise, and in general, take care of myself. But I feel, every day, I am getting older and older...and that's not stopping any time soon?

Any other students single and feeling like the odd man out? I've been single for 2 years and seems like that trend will continue. I mean, I don't even want a boyfriend or want to be tied up. But it just feels odd to be single in a pool of pairs.

Med school just sucks in the dating scene.

I guess we can all die alone. Together.

(and no, I am not depressed in any sense.)

The rant of the day. And my very first post.

Don't listen to the guys on this thread with their comments. They're probably all single themselves. Just when you least expect it, is when it will happen. Stay positive. It will happen.

Looking at how this thread's going, it's only a matter of time until someone brings up that PUA stuff, haha.
Yeah, I understand that making your intentions known immediately is a good thing.

I still find this funny. Excited for the SDN players handbook / protocol to come out.

Ch 1: Get down to bizness. Give her what she wants. U mirin' brah?

It's not about being a player. Even it you're not after a hook-up and want a relationship, the principle is the same. Ok, so you're a girl. You've got guy number 1: med student, nice, not a 10/10 but cute enough for you. He's funny, a little shy maybe, and talks to you all the time, maybe even tries to flirt with you a little bit, but you're not sure. This has been going on for months, but he hasn't asked you out yet. You're not sure if he really likes you or not, or maybe he's a virgin and scared of making the wrong move. Then comes along guy number 2. Better looking and more confident. Immediately starts flirting with you and you respond and asks you on a date, you accept, go on the date, he asks if you want to hang out as his place later, you want it, you do it, done. Maybe you never see him again, maybe you're married to him in a year. Doesn't matter. He managed to do in a few days what the other guy failed to do in a couple of months. Guy number 2 would never have wasted months chasing you around trying to make a move. If you're not a match for him, he brushes your 'no' off and finds someone who is. Until guy number 1 learns to be assertive and is ok with getting rejected he's going to get his heart broken over and over by watching the girls he talks to partner up with someone else. Make sense?

I also disagree with being an ******* to girls at first. Be yourself. If you are an ******* at heart, then you will attract a certain type of girl. You will not attract all girls. If you purposely try to be an ******* when you are really a nice guy, you'll attract nobody. Bad advice.
It's not about being a player. Even it you're not after a hook-up and want a relationship, the principle is the same. Ok, so you're a girl. You've got guy number 1: med student, nice, not a 10/10 but cute enough for you. He's funny, a little shy maybe, and talks to you all the time, maybe even tries to flirt with you a little bit, but you're not sure. This has been going on for months, but he hasn't asked you out yet. You're not sure if he really likes you or not, or maybe he's a virgin and scared of making the wrong move. Then comes along guy number 2. Better looking and more confident. Immediately starts flirting with you and you respond and asks you on a date, you accept, go on the date, he asks if you want to hang out as his place later, you want it, you do it, done. Maybe you never see him again, maybe you're married to him in a year. Doesn't matter. He managed to do in a few days what the other guy failed to do in a couple of months. Guy number 2 would never have wasted months chasing you around trying to make a move. If you're not a match for him, he brushes your 'no' off and finds someone who is. Until guy number 1 learns to be assertive and is ok with getting rejected he's going to get his heart broken over and over by watching the girls he talks to partner up with someone else. Make sense?

I also disagree with being an ******* to girls at first. Be yourself. If you are an ******* at heart, then you will attract a certain type of girl. You will not attract all girls. If you purposely try to be an ******* when you are really a nice guy, you'll attract nobody. Bad advice.
bish please

you can go out there and easily get a great husband

what you can't get is a great husband who also has the equivalent or greater social status than you

What's wrong in that? As a guy even I don't want to marry someone who is not at least a doctor.
I also disagree with being an ******* to girls at first. Be yourself. If you are an ******* at heart, then you will attract a certain type of girl. You will not attract all girls. If you purposely try to be an ******* when you are really a nice guy, you'll attract nobody. Bad advice.

You don't know what you're talking about. Girls (even your sweet little significant other) are deep down attracted to "bad boy" alpha males. It's in their DNA. Can't change millions of years of evolution. They like to be treated like ****, told what to do, slapped around and have their hair pulled, etc. Dont let them fool you.
this your minivan op?


You don't know what you're talking about. Girls (even your sweet little significant other) are deep down attracted to "bad boy" alpha males. It's in their DNA. Can't change millions of years of evolution. They like to be treated like ****, told what to do, slapped around and have their hair pulled, etc. Dont let them fool you.

although a bit exaggerated, i agree
Perhaps I'm too old for this.

This thread amuses and saddens me at the same time.

Sup, girl?

You don't know what you're talking about. Girls (even your sweet little significant other) are deep down attracted to "bad boy" alpha males. It's in their DNA. Can't change millions of years of evolution. They like to be treated like ****, told what to do, slapped around and have their hair pulled, etc. Dont let them fool you.

You don't have to be a d-bag to be an alpha male. That whole stereotype is ridiculous.
You don't know what you're talking about. Girls (even your sweet little significant other) are deep down attracted to "bad boy" alpha males. It's in their DNA. Can't change millions of years of evolution. They like to be treated like ****, told what to do, slapped around and have their hair pulled, etc. Dont let them fool you.

You must be talking about girls or women who lack self-confidence or esteem and think that this is what they deserve or that's the way good men act.

That's not what psychologically normal women want.
You must be talking about girls or women who lack self-confidence or esteem and think that this is what they deserve or that's the way good men act.

That's not what psychologically normal women want.

Maybe, but "psychologically normal" women are not nearly as fun in bed.
Maybe, but "psychologically normal" women are not nearly as fun in bed.

I have a funny feeling that you have some major issues from your childhood that are pent up...Seek help.
This thread has officially derailed.

You can honor women while still getting all you desire. Being abusive and manipulative may work but it lacks character.
This thread has officially derailed.

You can honor women while still getting all you desire. Being abusive and manipulative may work but it lacks character.

Spoken like the REAL Superman. <3
I have a funny feeling that you have some major issues from your childhood that are pent up...Seek help.

They told me there was nothing they could do :shrug:

I've been married for 2 years now so I just play a tough guy on the Internet
You must be talking about girls or women who lack self-confidence or esteem and think that this is what they deserve or that's the way good men act.

That's not what psychologically normal women want.

I know you think he's a douche but he's right. If varies how much but girls like you better when you treat them like ****. I've seen it and its also come from their mouths directly. They don't like nice guys. And for the record, basically 95% of women lack self-confidence. Why do you think girls tell each other they're beautiful all of the time?

And I'm sorry I'm going off topic but I'm going to say it any way. OP is a girl who is looking for guys to tell her how bad they feel for her and how they would date her. I've seen it done to guys a million times. 99% of you guys who are saying this and defending her is that guy who would be in the friend zone. When in reality, she is either looking for a hot guy or a rich guy to buy her stuff. Please, please, don't fall for it. And lastly, let me drop one more jewel and this is for girls and guys. Just realize when your chasing someone in the pursuit of love, be aware they are also chasing someone, who is chasing someone else.

And for the record, by some of your responses, I can tell who's a virgin or not.
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And for the record, by some of your responses, I can tell who's a virgin or not.

this matters how? most of the advice here is just pop psych, whether it's from the virgins or the wannabe gamers. gotta say, though, being married definitely beats being single. no more of trying to play the game.
this matters how? most of the advice here is just pop psych, whether it's from the virgins or the wannabe gamers. gotta say, though, being married definitely beats being single. no more of trying to play the game.

Ah, but you need to play the game to get married!
this matters how? most of the advice here is just pop psych, whether it's from the virgins or the wannabe gamers. gotta say, though, being married definitely beats being single. no more of trying to play the game.

Definitely marriage beats single but its 10X worse if your not married to the right person. Its like 3rd year clinicals, you get to see the side that you would have preferred not to see.

And just saying, by some of these people's responses, you can tell they don't know how girls think. Especially the ones like OP which are the stereotypical kind.