For an IMG from the Indian Subcontinent

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7+ Year Member
Feb 14, 2016
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Hey guys,
My first post here....
Just wanted to know what exactly the best path for an IMG hopeful for applying to UK to take is..
After completing an year of internship, PLAB exams etc..would it be better to try for Foundation Year 1 posts or Foundation year 2 posts? In terms of future prospects, likelihood of a post and other pros and cons?

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Pretty sure they won't take you unless you are a EU citizen.
With current laws as to UK citizens being considered first, EU citizens being considered second, and everyone else being considered dead last, you don't stand much of a chance nowadays.
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Thanks for the replies guys...With the posts I've been reading online and other accounts I've been under the impression that there is a possibility. Maybe those haven't been entirely accurate or up-to-date in terms of the current situation.
I've got some time before I finish Med School, I suppose I'll try my best to get any information thats not easily available online during that time that might be helpful to someone wanting to take this route...if anyone does have that kind of info, please share it here ! 🙂
Yeah, i think its just because the UK foundation program is oversubscribed and definitely the residency programs. Every year they have to add new spots to ensure every UK med student gets a spot.