
  1. L

    Flinders MD grads who went to US

    Hey all. I'm an American doing my MD at Flinders in Australia and was looking into the process of applying to residency back in the states. I am pretty early in my degree but only now I realized that US clinical experience/rotations are crucial for residency applications. I emailed my school...
  2. MusicalAndMedical

    ROS (Return of Service) Experiences

    Hello friends! I am a current IMG planning on applying to pediatrics residency in Canada. I have read inside and out everything I can find online about the ROS agreements (including the agreements themselves for several provinces), but I haven't been able to find many firsthand accounts of the...
  3. G

    Mayo Clinic Visiting Clerkship VS 2weeks at Queen's University (Canada) and University of Manitoba

    Hey guys this is a bit of a difficult decision I have to make and just wanted some upper year insight on what I should do. I am a Canadian Studying Abroad looking to apply for residency next year in the US or Canada. I don't mind where I get residency to be honest, either or would be fine (East...
  4. G

    IMG Internal Medicine Applicants - 2024 Match

    These threads were really useful to me back in the day. Seems to have died down last year. Let's resurrect it this year Non-US IMG, Pass/261/OET. 4 months USCE - 1 hospital w/o residency, 2 clinic rotations, 1 uni observership 2 publications, 2 submitted. Bottom quartile class ranking, not...
  5. E

    AMCAS Reapplication

    I have recently started my first year in the four year program at RCSI in Dublin. Last application cycle, I was not accepted to any US schools. I received one interview from the med school in the city I am from (I am a US citizen), but no other interviews. Is it worth it to reapply to the school...
  6. S

    AUC or Law School?

    Hello, please don't just reply IMG bad. I am aware, there is no IMG I would consider except for AUC as the class sizes are not insane and they seem to accept candidates who have a decent chance of succeeding and don't see us as a walking dollar sign (compared to the others, they obviously still...
  7. S

    Nontraditional, Caribbean Med School (AUC) or Law School?

    Hello, please don't just reply IMG bad. I am aware, there is no IMG I would consider except for AUC as the class sizes are not insane and they seem to accept candidates who have a decent chance of succeeding and don't see us as a walking dollar sign (compared to the others, they obviously still...
  8. swimminginconfidence

    Is it truly over? A desperate question from a foreign medical student

    Here's where I'm at right now, I'm a 2nd year medical student from Ethiopia , I failed my first preclinical year of med school twice...well failed once and withdrew once(which means no grades on the second attempt)....I passed on my third attempt(with a C in anatomy but B in everything else)...
  9. DocHopeful1

    My Vulnerable and Personal Caribbean Medical School Journey (Part 2-Final)

    Hello again SDN! This is insane that I'm back on here years later. I am here to finally reveal the ending of a story I started several years ago. ✨spoiler alert✨ I matched into my #1 program! Here is the link to Part 1 of my story: My Vulnerable and Personal Caribbean Medical School Journey...
  10. Z

    Conrad 30 Program 2022/2023 cycle

    Hi everyone! This is an attempt to reach out to others who are searching for a J1 visa waiver under the Conrad 30 program. Who has had success or encountered setbacks this cycle? Which states haven't filled yet? Who has contact information for state Conrad 30 program administrators? Maybe...
  11. R

    Canada ROS( Return of Service )

    Hello Everyone, Need your advise, if you are an IMG and got accepted for Residence in Canada, Ontario. You will have to complete ROS which is 5 year term. Any Ideas or could someone share their experience dealing with ROS. How do they measure or what is the cost. We were thinking to open a...
  12. L

    Statement of Need Canada - Internal Medicine - Match 2023

    Hello Everyone, so I've been having a mini panic attack today looking through some old threads and just wanted confirmation. Is there still a cap for SoN issued by Health Canada for IM? A lot of older threads said yes and people were previously denied after a certain quota was met but a more...
  13. Doctor Rabbit

    Transitional year vs research year for IMGs aiming for ophthalmology

    Hi everyone! I’m a final year med student in Taiwan and my wife is a licensed MD in Taiwan. We both aim to pursue a career as an ophthalmologist in the States and are very concerned about our situations. As IMGs, doing a transitional year sounds amazing to us as it provides us with the...
  14. C

    Asking for tips for international medical student interested in pathology residency and dermatopathology fellowship

    Hello all and thanks for taking the time to read this: I am currently a first year medical student attending medical school outside of the United States. A little background on me: I am an American citizen and I earned my bachelors degree from an American institution. I have also earned three...
  15. Babbitt4MVP

    Are US MDs unlikely to get interviews at programs with very few US MDs?

    I see a lot of residency programs with <10% US-MDs. Is that a function of them being less competitive (not attracting a lot of US-MD applicants) or them just preferring DOs/IMGs and being unfriendlier to US-MDs? Basically I want to know if these are worth applying to at all as a US MD.
  16. G

    Position Wanted Looking for PGY-1 Preliminary/Categorical General Surgery Positions

    Good afternoon everyone, I know this is a long shot, but no harm in posting. I am a recently graduated (2022) US IMG who went unmatched in the previous cycle. I scour websites daily for positions in PGY-1 Preliminary/Categorical General Surgery or any other Preliminary/Transitional Year programs...
  17. F

    Neurosurgery IMG and research

    Hi guys, I’m kind of new to this forum but I thought I’d give it a shot. I just finished my second year of medical school and thank God passed Step 1. I go to an IMG school that is well known (not Caribbean) and has a near 100% match rate in the US each year. I have always been super interested...
  18. A


    Hi All, I am a student considering SGU's 5 Year MD program. The program is appealing to me as I am a non traditional student, with a nearly 2 year gap followed by 1 year of sub par performance due to some extenuating circumstances. Spoken to some advising officers and so long as I have at...
  19. C

    Canadian in USMD now considered IMG/ What now....

    Hi there, I got accepted into my top choice USMD program a few months back and am super excited to go. But I actually just found out that in 2022 they changed the rules for Canadian USMD graduating in 2026. We will be considered IMGs when applying for residency spots... In addition, Canada will...
  20. Rakan Rasheed

    low GPA and medical residency

    Hello guys . I just graduated from medical college (IMG) but with a Low GPA unfortunately. and I'm passionate to become an Ophthalmologist, first, is the low GPA will Affecting my residency application? second is there a thing that makes it up like good usmel score or research, latter of...
  21. T

    Post a 2 yr epilepsy fellowship, is general neurology practice (including stroke) viable?

    Hello all, I am a PGY-2 neurology resident in the US (a non-US IMG) and intend to do a 2-yr epilepsy fellowship in Canada. However, in my understanding, in Canada, it's tough to come by subspecialist-specific jobs (except stroke), and the demand is for general neurologists. My question is...
  22. F

    U.S. Clinical Research Opportunity Hepatology/Abdominal Transplant Surgery - Funded and J-1 Visa Support

    Hello everyone, Please see below attachment for a funded clinical research position in Hepatology/Abdominal Transplant Surgery in Dallas, Texas. CV and motivational letter are required. Application deadline: April 29th, 2022.
  23. F

    U.S. Clinical Research Opportunity Hepatology/Abdominal Transplant Surgery - Funded and J-1 Visa Support

    Hello everyone, Please see below attachment for a funded clinical research position in Hepatology/Abdominal Transplant Surgery in Dallas, Texas. CV and motivational letter are required. Application deadline: April 29th, 2022.
  24. D

    Opportunity for IMG's across Canada (ideally) to gain experience

    I am a fully licensed board certified General Psychiatrist and have a sub specialization as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. My background is that I completed my medical school training in Ireland, matched in the first CARMS iteration and completed residency and subspecialty training in BC...
  25. G

    PhD in US

    I am an international student wanting to become a physician scientist in US. I have decided to do a PhD before entering residency program. My question is: 1. How can a medical student with minimal experience in research enter into a good PhD program in US? 2. How to utilise PhD years effectively...
  26. S

    Preprint vs Peer-reviewed? Need Advice.

    Dear All, Posted a preprint on research square(Case report) but unable to publish it so far due to lack of funds. My question is: If publication in a Journal holds more value than a preprint (from the point of view of residency) and should I focus my energies(and monies) on it? Or should I move...
  27. G

    Moving to Canada as an IMG after Residency+Fellowship

    I've posted this before but I'm not sure it was in the right thread 1. I'm an IMG from india, if I want to train in the USA in a speciality like haem/onc, and move out to the Canada after that will i be able to do so? What will be the steps? How hard would it be to find jobs? Will my age (I'll...
  28. G

    Moving to Canada after residency+fellowship in the USA as an IMG

    1. I'm an IMG from india, if I want to train in the USA in a speciality like haem/onc, and move out to the Canada after that will i be able to do so? What will be the steps? How hard would it be to find jobs? Will my age (I'll be 32 by then i guess) be a huge obstacle? How will I get a PR? I am...
  29. S

    Minimum salary for IMGs on h1b
  30. G

    J1 Waiver jobs for indians and NORI update

    I've heard from someone that there has been someone that there has been some changes in the NORI legislation recently regarding the j1 waiver. What were those changes? I heard from someone that previously indian doctors neither had to do the 3 year j1 waiver jobs nor did they have to return for...
  31. G

    Do 3 year J1 waiver jobs kill my chance at academia?

    Basically if i want to pursue haem/onc in an academic setting, is j1 really the best option for me? Sure, there's better chances of matching than h1b, but from what i understand you'll have to do the J1 waiver jobs which last for 3 years and are mostly involving primary care only. If I take up...
  32. Med.surg

    General surgery IMG observership

    Hello, everyone! I am an IMG from Europe who graduated and received my M.D. in 2021. I am currently living in Illinois. I passed step 1 with a score of 238 and am awaiting step 2 ck. Perhaps there is a kind General Surgeon who would allow me to observe his job and gain a better understanding of...
  33. A

    2nd year International Medical Student, should I apply for the greencard lottery to make my journey easier?

    Hello there! So as I've said above, I am a 2nd year(out of 6) Medical Student. The only reason I am scared to apply for the DV program now is that if I am lucky I can probably get the visa in 2023(when I'll be 4th year), and I am scared that my visa might get revoked since I won't be living in...
  34. C

    MD IMG applying for Match 2023

    Hello everyone, I'm an IMG from South America. I graduated back in 2016 and have been working as primary care while studying for the USMLEs. I recently got my score for Step 1 (209). What would be my best options to improve my chances to match into IM, Peds or FM?
  35. O

    USMLE path for an IMG, can I do it?

    Here is my story , I am an IMG that graduated in October 2020. Our program is basically 6 years. 3 years of basic sciences and 3 years of clinical rotations. I graduated from the best Uni in my country, it’s really hard to enter there and nearly every graduate end up doing residency and...
  36. Doctortobe1999

    IMG having gap between study

    I'm an international medical student. During quarantine due to the low quality of education, I failed a comprehensive basic sciences exam between my basic sciences and preclinical year with only 3 points. I retook the exam and passed with a good score. However, this semester the school became...
  37. S

    Failed Step 3 during ERAS application, and did not match. What now?

    Hi guys, IMG applying for General Surgery, didn’t match this past cycle. I planned to take (and pass) Step 3 before Match day, but ended up failing (Score 197). I took Step 3 again and I’m currently waiting for the score report. I am trying to prepare for next cycle and be smart(er). UPDATE: I...
  38. M

    Radiation oncologist moving to the US

    Hello everyone, I have a question on behalf of my wife, who is a Venezuelan doctor currently in her 4th and final year of a radiotherapy "posgrado," or postgraduate specialization course. We live in Venezuela but will be moving to Texas in 2022. She graduated medical school in Venezuela in...
  39. dan_bli

    What can boost my chances to get into US med school as an international applicant?

    Hi SDN. I'm male 22 y.o. from Russia. I'm finishing 1st year biology major this year. Next 3 years i'll take important "pre-med'" courses like: organic chemistry, zoology, microbiology etc. I really want to switch to a med and enter US med school after graduation. I've got couple questions i'd...
  40. EthanNt

    Best International Med School For Matching In US

    Hi guys, I am new to SDN and I have been looking for some answers and havent found a couple so I decided to post it here and I would appreciate if I could get your opinions. So I am a Canadian High School student and I have a fairly good average in the mid 90s and I will get into some...