Global Health Opportunities in taking a year off med school

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7+ Year Member
Apr 3, 2015
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Hey all!

I am curious if anyone has taken a year off in order to complete global health related studies in between 2nd and 3rd or 3rd and 4th years of med school. I was thinking of either applying for a fellowship, research opportunity, or pursuing a one year masters in public health. The difficulty would be funding and how it might interact with school and residency. Has anyone done something like this and found it worth it or have any advice?


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Hey all!

I am curious if anyone has taken a year off in order to complete global health related studies in between 2nd and 3rd or 3rd and 4th years of med school. I was thinking of either applying for a fellowship, research opportunity, or pursuing a one year masters in public health. The difficulty would be funding and how it might interact with school and residency. Has anyone done something like this and found it worth it or have any advice?

Are you talking about getting a masters? Like an MPH or MS degree with a concentration in global health? Plenty of people do that, but usually after the second or third year
Hey all!

I am curious if anyone has taken a year off in order to complete global health related studies in between 2nd and 3rd or 3rd and 4th years of med school. I was thinking of either applying for a fellowship, research opportunity, or pursuing a one year masters in public health. The difficulty would be funding and how it might interact with school and residency. Has anyone done something like this and found it worth it or have any advice?

International Clinical Research Fellowship | Encourage and Develop Clinical Research Careers | Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

I would 100% not recommend getting an mph during med school. Caveat is if you want to travel and you get accepted to a well regarded international school such as LSHTM, which is very doable as a med student.