GP in uk after FM residency in us for us img

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Feb 8, 2018
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I am planning to settle in uk after doing residency in family medicine. So is residency from here recognised in uk because they have a longer course i suppose. If anyone knows what is the method of applying there and is it possible?

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In short, no, it's not recognized.

How are you planning to move/reside there? Do you hold a PR or are you a citizen of GB?

Colleagues of mine have previously tried entering, but have been stalled due to lack of above, again the above measure was for hoards of international docs getting into the NHS and preventing their own grads from positions. Not sure if that's changed.

Also, here is a more complete thread on this subject (I would make use of the excellent search feature we have here on SDN prior to opening up new threads).

family practice in US to GP in UK?