Grades aren't great.. do I still have a chance?

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Apr 23, 2017
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So, I am a current High School Senior. At the end of my junior year I decided that my senior year I was going to Dual enroll at a college and my college credits I was taking there will also count as the remaining high school credits I needed to graduate. Well now I'm in the spring semester and it's not going so great. Fall semester I did okay, knew I was gonna have to retake the classes to improve my GPA but I passed. I'm not passing this semester, so therefore I cannot graduate until I receive all of my credits. So now I will have to take online High School classes this summer to make up for the classes I took and did not pass. I will still receive my high school diploma but I won't graduate with my class. My ACT Score is decent, a 22, I do plan on retaking it to improve my score in June. In Louisiana, we've never been encouraged to take the SAT, so that's something I'm also concerned about. Basically I just want to know if I still have a chance at Vet School even though my High School transcript is going to be all over the place with failed and retaking classes?
I was a straight A student up until my senior year and that is why my high school encouraged me to do the dual enrollment program. Thanks for any help in advanced.

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Well, from similar situations I've read about in other threads, the high school grades will not be looked at by any vet school. They don't care about anything below the undergraduate level.
Well, from similar situations I've read about in other threads, the high school grades will not be looked at by any vet school. They don't care about anything below the undergraduate level.
Thank you so much. I'm really gonna push and make up those classes I took to really improve my GPA.
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Vet school doesn't care about your high school grades, but it might become an issue though due to the college credit you are receiving for these classes. It may depend on how your state and school report these courses and stuff, but if they are considered part of your undergraduate college record (which the concurrent classes I took in HS did) it may matter more. But this likely isn't something we can tell you for sure.
Vet school doesn't care about your high school grades, but it might become an issue though due to the college credit you are receiving for these classes. It may depend on how your state and school report these courses and stuff, but if they are considered part of your undergraduate college record (which the concurrent classes I took in HS did) it may matter more. But this likely isn't something we can tell you for sure.
3 of the classes count for my undergrad, just my basic English, math, and biology. I plan to retake the biology and math to improve my GPA.
3 of the classes count for my undergrad, just my basic English, math, and biology. I plan to retake the biology and math to improve my GPA.
I wouldn't worry too much about these courses as far as vet school goes (but do your best to do well in them when you retake, of course). You will have 3-4 years of undergraduate courses to contribute to your overall GPA. Start experimenting with study habits now and figuring out what works best for you. Different things work for different people. Some use flashcards, some read the notes out loud over and over again, some draw out concepts. Developing those good study habits now will majorly help you in the long run. 🙂 I came out of high school not knowing how to study and it took me some time to figure out how to be successful at it.
The high school grades won't matter for vet school, but what will become important is that you figure out the best way to study for you (and take standardized tests). You might have to try a bunch of different study methods to see how you learn.
Do you have any idea what is causing so much of a struggle this term?
Honestly a lot has just been happening. New job, so I was working 2 jobs, moved out, my dog died, and honestly I think I was just so overwhelmed. I mean last semester I struggled but I pushed through, this semester was horrible, it's just like everything happened all at once.
Honestly a lot has just been happening. New job, so I was working 2 jobs, moved out, my dog died, and honestly I think I was just so overwhelmed. I mean last semester I struggled but I pushed through, this semester was horrible, it's just like everything happened all at once.

It might be worthwhile to look at the stories from people who faced similar situations. Going forward it is important to protect your grades. Get help if you need it. Take stock and adjust your course load when you can't.