Graduation requirements and % of students staying after graduation

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Feb 13, 2019
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Hello all,

Just wanted to get a sense of your schools' graduation requirements and what is the most difficult category to complete.

At Detroit Mercy (formerly UDM) crowns are proving to be a tough one this year with the 144 fourth years requiring only 8 each to graduate but many still needing all if not most of that number. Historically we have about 20% of our seniors having to stay after the graduation ceremony and coming back to school to see patients to finish requirements.

What are all your experiences and how does the school support students so they are able to graduate?

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I think that number is pretty consistent. They force feed you the procedures you need to graduate so most people stay maybe a month maybe 2 longer to finish up requirements.
That's interesting - at BU, we have more trouble with RPDs and CDs than single units. People definitely have had to stay until July and usually 2 or 3 people (between foreign students and dental students) have to repeat 4th year.
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Hello all,

Just wanted to get a sense of your schools' graduation requirements and what is the most difficult category to complete.

At Detroit Mercy (formerly UDM) crowns are proving to be a tough one this year with the 144 fourth years requiring only 8 each to graduate but many still needing all if not most of that number. Historically we have about 20% of our seniors having to stay after the graduation ceremony and coming back to school to see patients to finish requirements.

What are all your experiences and how does the school support students so they are able to graduate?

I also graduated UDM back in 2016. Was disappointed that requirements were so low after they increased the class size. I believe 6 crowns was the requirement when we graduated; I did 8. Endo was 5 single canals which is pathetic. Some graduated with four canals and no molar endos! Ouch....
Hello all,

Just wanted to get a sense of your schools' graduation requirements and what is the most difficult category to complete.

At Detroit Mercy (formerly UDM) crowns are proving to be a tough one this year with the 144 fourth years requiring only 8 each to graduate but many still needing all if not most of that number. Historically we have about 20% of our seniors having to stay after the graduation ceremony and coming back to school to see patients to finish requirements.

What are all your experiences and how does the school support students so they are able to graduate?

I went to MOSDOH. My class had the biggest struggle with removable or pedo pulpotomies. But every single one of us finished our requirements on time. The school does a very good job of assisting students to get those requirements done in time. No one had to stay after graduation to finish anything up
I stayed 3 weeks, mostly cause of removable and cases needing survey crowns at the very end. And my Endo guy had a stroke, so I was waiting for im too.

I've done 5 crown preps in my first 4 weeks of residency tho.