GRE Statistics

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How did your Verbal and Quantitative Scores compare to the means (150V, 150Q)?

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Full Member
Nov 7, 2018
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Hey everyone,

I hope this is allowed. After taking the GRE this past weekend and seeing numerous posts and discussions about the results, I went digging through ETS to find some true statistics. As it turns out, when you tell them your intended graduate degree, they use it to sort us and provide comparison statistics.

Physical therapy was eaily the most reported graduate major in Health & Medical Sciences, and #3 overall behind Biology and Mechanical Engineering. Not completely relevant, but it shows just how competitive the field is by sheer volume of students.

This link has the distribution of scores by intended graduate degree, but I gave the TL;DR for students planning on physical therapy (us) below. Hopefully some of you can put this to good use! I'm curious whether the users of these forums reflect the scores for everyone, so I made a poll below.

Verbal: Mean = 150, SD = 6
130-134: 0.7%
135-139: 3.4%
140-144: 14.9%
145-149: 30.5%
150-154: 29.4%
155-159: 16.2%
160-164: 4.2%
165-169: 0.8%
170: 0.1%

Quantitative: Mean = 150, SD = 6
130-134: 0.4%
135-139: 2.8%
140-144: 13.1%
145-149: 28.8%
150-154: 33.8%
155-159: 16.4%
160-164: 4.0%
165-169: 0.6%
170: 0.1%

Writing: Mean = 3.7, SD = 0.6
0-1: 0%
1.5-2: 1.2%
2.5-3: 22%
3.5-4: 59%
4.5-5: 17%
5.5-6: 0.7%

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