Hardest Pre-med courses

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OChem 1
Physics 1
Intro to Neuro
Human Physiology

Easiest: Ecology, intro to neuro, genetics, physics 1, physiology, biochem, ochem 1 Hardest

If you really want a ranking then this is what I would say about my school but really every school and every person will be so different so this is really useless for you.

I think it is a bad idea to take so many of these classes at the same time when you don't seem like you have shown you can handle many pre-med courses at the same time (since you haven't taken all of these). Ecology is not a necessary class for medical school btw so maybe just skip that entirely. Maybe do physiology or genetics or something in the summer since at most schools those aren't mandatory and it is better to not do your pre-reqs in the summer. Then in the fall I would take neuro and physics or something and then in the spring take organic chemistry. Then take biochem after or at the same time as orgo 2. You seem like you need to consult with a pre-med advisor

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Out of all the courses you listed, I would take ecology or neuro in the summer. All the others deserve a full semester length; especially orgo and physics.

Physiology, genetics, and biochem are pillars of medicine and will be reinforced heavily in med school. Make sure to get your basic undergrad sciences down first. Ochem is a love it or hate it course so make sure you actually pay attention and practice it. Physics is conceptual math so practice problems until you throw up.
The rest are pretty much concepts and memorization.