Having trouble this semester

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5+ Year Member
Oct 17, 2017
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Hey all,

I have had a pretty rough semester. I guess I would like some reassurance (if possible).

I want to go to medical school but I am literally in danger of failing two classes. I have been busting my ass and trying to pull through but I do not know if that will be enough as the semester is coming to an end. The last chance I have to pass is with my finals. I just want to know if it is the end of the world and if it really matters if I have to retake the classes.

Again, I'm trying to do my best (though I know adcoms probably don't care much for that, lol) and just get up and dust myself off and do better next time.

I want to know if anyone else has experienced this. Some advice would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks all,


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I'm having a rough semester myself currently. It isn't ideal obviously, but you can still work and find your way out of this. Which courses are you failing? What is your GPA currently? If you somehow get by this semester, and do well in the upcoming semesters, by changing study habits, limiting time spent NOT studying, going to office hours, etc. then you can still do well and achieve your career goals. Besides, med schools love upwards trends!
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I'm having a rough semester myself currently. It isn't ideal obviously, but you can still work and find your way out of this. Which courses are you failing? What is your GPA currently? If you somehow get by this semester, and do well in the upcoming semesters, by changing study habits, limiting time spent NOT studying, going to office hours, etc. then you can still do well and achieve your career goals. Besides, med schools love upwards trends!

Yay for struggling... Haha. I am failing Orgo I/II (it's a class that puts two of them together) and Anatomy I. I think part of my failing was because I was really anxious at the beginning of the semester because of the work load, so it hurt my productivity while I studied. I failed my first chem test this year, bombed it, but studied my ass off for the second one, and went up 30 points, but still failed it. I'm just going to work as hard as possible for my finals and hope I can get by. My GPA is currently about 3.2 (yes, yes, it is not high up there but I have time to fix it and lighter workloads later on, so I don't think it will be a huge problem by the time I apply).

I guess if I do fail the classes though it gives me more time to study for the MCAT this summer. 😉 What are your struggles this semester?
If you're truly failing or it's likely you'll get less than a "C", you should probably just take a W. I know it's close to finals, so would you be allowed to?
If you're truly failing or it's likely you'll get less than a "C", you should probably just take a W. I know it's close to finals, so would you be allowed to?

It is past the withdraw date, unfortunately. :hungover: However, I will meet with my professor and speak to them about giving me an unofficial withdrawal if I cannot pass the class. Either way I am gonna have to retake it. :dead:
It is past the withdraw date, unfortunately. :hungover: However, I will meet with my professor and speak to them about giving me an unofficial withdrawal if I cannot pass the class. Either way I am gonna have to retake it. :dead:
Well one outcome is bad for your GPA and the other isn't lol. I'd talk to your professors about other options