General Admissions & OTCAS Help with Personal Statement

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NJotApplicant 2018

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5+ Year Member
Jan 6, 2018
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Hello all,

I am looking to submit my personal statement within the next few days. I was wondering how long everyones personal statement was. Mine was a little over 3 pages. I was also wondering if anyone wrote about reasonings for low gpas at any point in their academic career. I stayed away from that but I wasn't sure if it was something I should have. I had a low gpa when I transferred to an out of state university due to environmental factors during that time. however I retook the courses I needed to after graduation. I have a 3.1 gpa, I have a 3.5 pre reqs, 100 hours of volunteer ot hours, and I have built a resume working with ID/DD population post graduation to make up for my application short comings. So far I have been waitlisted for one university and wanted to make sure my essay is up to par before I resubmit it. If anyone who is an ot student or graduation would like to read it before I submit it It would be helpful!

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I would say try to take it down to 3 pages. I saw some schools said 1-2 pages max. Proofread and take out any extra fluff. Get your message across while remaining concise.