Hours discrepancy question

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Oct 8, 2024
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In May, my school's pre-med committee asked me to submit a list of activities with descriptions + hours of each activity. For one activity, I said I did 400 hours since that was how much I had completed by the deadline in May. However, on my primary (which I submitted in June) I said I did 550 since I had done more hours between the submission of my activities to my school's committee and my primary. My concern is would med schools see it as a red flag if the number of hours is different from what my committee reports? Or am I being needlessly worried and do committee letters not report the number of hours when writing about my experiences?

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In May, my school's pre-med committee asked me to submit a list of activities with descriptions + hours of each activity. For one activity, I said I did 400 hours since that was how much I had completed by the deadline in May. However, on my primary (which I submitted in June) I said I did 550 since I had done more hours between the submission of my activities to my school's committee and my primary. My concern is would med schools see it as a red flag if the number of hours is different from what my committee reports? Or am I being needlessly worried and do committee letters not report the number of hours when writing about my experiences?

Don't sweat it. It's not even that those hours were made up, you still did them.
I wouldn't worry about it at all. You didn't embellish or lie, and in fact did more hours since the time the letter was submitted. They're not going to nitpick such a small discrepancy (if the letter even included the total number of hours to begin with) and even if they were concerned for one they would reach out to the verifier on file to confirm.