How do you add future courses to OptomCAS

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Dec 24, 2016
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Does anyone know how to do this?
There were two courses specifically (Physiology and Anatomy) that I plan to take in the future, depending on if the school I get accepted to requires those courses. How would I add this to my application?

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You enter it as if you were entering a normal class but leave out the final grade. There is an option that allows you to indicate that the course is in progress/planned. The transcript entry video in OptomCAS goes over this with more detail (skip to 1:40).
You enter it as if you were entering a normal class but leave out the final grade. There is an option that allows you to indicate that the course is in progress/planned. The transcript entry video in OptomCAS goes over this with more detail (skip to 1:40).
thank you!