Hey guys I am applying to this current cycle unfortunately I applied a bit late like around December 1st, because I wasn't sure to send with my old OAT scored from August which were 260 AA/250. I retook it on December 11th and got no difference basically with 270AA/260.
My gpa after the...
Hello. I wanted to ask the folks here a question.
This morning, I found out that one of my transcripts on OptomCAS wasn’t sent. I did it today, but I still have to get my transcripts verified...and then my application verified, which will push me into November.
After that, I have an OAT for...
admission chances
optomcasoptomcas college transcript
To preface, I have a 3.2 cGPA and roughly a 3.0 sGPA. I haven't taken the OAT yet and I have years of experience at an eye clinic, which forms the backbone of my ophthalmic experience.
I am still polishing up my OptomCAS and having my personal statement tweaked to perfection. However...
primary application
Hi guys! I just finished my third year of undergrad, and I was planning on applying for the 2020-2021 cycle, but now that corona stuff happened I'm worried about how I'm going to get my shadowing/experience hours in...
Anyone have any ideas or advice on what I should do? Do you think schools...
What happens if I don't provide the contact info of my supervisors when filling in my "experiences" page?
What happens if I don't hit "Yes" for the "Release Authorization (May we contact this organization?)" question?
Is it favorable to provide contact info and Release Authorization?
Thank you...
Hey guys!
After balling my eyes out for the longest time, I have come to my senses and decided to come here for some advice. Here's the story... I went to the take the OAT this past Saturday. Got to Prometric on time, started my exam 30 minutes prior to schedule, it was all going great! I was...
I just graduated from a school and am taking a gap year then going for optometry school. I always knew I wanted to do a gap year, but the last day of the deadline for SUNY and Salus I applied. I got an interview for both just a couple of days after submission. SUNY was my first interview...
When I go to enter classes I am unable to save them after inputting them into the transcript entry. Has anyone else had this problem? OptomCAS online help center has not proved to be helpful. Asking here before having to call the help center
Hi everyone,
I recently asked my TA from a science course to write me a letter of recommendation for OptomCas, and my professor agreed to co-sign it (however, he has never done something like that before). Can anyone else who has done something like this before for their application share some...
Hi all, I'm having some difficulty entering my seminar-clinic pass/no pass classes I've taken during undergrad. I've read OptomCAS's Liaison's page, as well as extensive googling but I can't seem to find what others have done? I know that for classes you don't receive a grade in you can redeem...
Hello I'm a college student that wants to go into the optometry field but I had a question about the science gpa. Is the science gpa just the BCP gpa or does it include math also? I know in many optometry schools they show the average science gpa but I wasn't sure if that included math as well...
I submitted all my applications but my LOR writer hasn't submitted my letter yet. I was wondering if the application is still considered complete and has been sent to the schools? I submitted other LORs through Interfolio as well. Thanks!
OptomCAS calculated:
cGPA = 2.91
sGPA = 2.66
I just want to know if I even have a chance. I take my OAT on the 20th of this month and I am pretty sure I can get well over 300 if I continue to slave myself for the next week and some change. I have over 2000+ hours of shadowing and working as a...
heu guys! I came across a recent thread on repeated courses and it kinda sent me into a panic mode. I’ve retaken my calculus course 4 times throughout undergrad at the same institution. Does OptomCAS only use the last attempt? Like do I put 0 for the first 3 attempts and give credit for the last...
hi there!!
does anyone know if we can recycle personal statements for each program? kind of a dumb question since (at least for the programs i'm applying to) the personal statement questions are either identical or wording is very similar. is there such a thing like you can't recycle what...
Do you have to have all your letter in before submitting an application? I still need a letter from the optometrist but everything else is done. Does anyone know if you can submit the application and put the optometrist in at a later time to be included?
Hi all,
I will be finishing my application form at OptomCAS by the end of this month except for the OAT, which is due on October 15th.
I was wondering if i could send the application to schools before I take the OAT, so they could start looking into my application, or do schools want the...
I just submitted my application a couple of days ago. I designated 4 people to write me LOR and only 2 have submitted. The other 2 should be coming in the next week. Will this affect my verification process or how long until it’s verified?
Applying to optometry school!
I went to a community college for 2 years where I did most of my prerequisites and transferred to a university (just finished my first year at university, going into my senior year). I haven’t be able to connect with my science professors at my university, so I...
hey guys, I found this graph on OptomCAS and I had a question. Does"offered" mean number of interviews offered or number of acceptances offered? I attached the pic of the graph
Hello! I transferred schools and had to take a semester off from physically attending an institution during the transfer. During that time I took classes online through StraighterLine as the result of poor advice from an advisor (anyone reading this DO NOT take courses at StraighterLine, they...
hey guys! I was a little confused about which science gpa optometry schools look at since there’s so many different categories for science gpa given by OptomCAS. Like there’s one for biology/life sciences, BCP, other sciences...
Hello everyone,
If you guys read my last post, you know I feel insecure and worried about applying to optometry school because I don't have the strongest of grades. I am asking people for letters of recombination, but I am having a tough time.
I asked my Developmental Psychology Professor...
apply early
can i get in
letter of rec
letter of reccomendation
letter of recommendation signature
optometry applications
optometry school
I am a junior Neuroscience major. I decided that I wanted to become an optometrist this past fall semester. I went to a community college as a freshman where I took biology and chemistry and starting my sophomore year I began to attend school at a high ranked 4-year university.
My overall GPA...
Did anyone else get this? Just received an email and when I logged in to the applicationstation site and it has a $150 background check fee.
The part that confuses me is the email said I was being sent it because I was "conditionally accepted" to a school however it doesn't say what school, and...
So I was wondering when would I start my application on the OptomCas? If I plan to apply for getting into fall of 2019? Does starting an application get deleted when new cycles begin or are they saved to be submitted into the cycle when you're ready?
Hey y'all!
I was just curious to see where everyone has decided to attend Optometry school for those of you who have made your final decision! I know theres already a thread where people are listing this information, but I figured a poll would make it easier to consolidate this into something...
So, i got en e-mail from optomCAS saying I had to re-do my transcript entry because I did not provide the correct prefixes for my courses. For example BIOL for biology or something like that... But on my transcript, the biology class is numbered by 03-55-140... there is no prefix associated with...
So, I've e-mailed optomCAS about 5 times and they have not responded to me once.... Ive been e-mailing them for about 2 months now and nothing... has anyone else had this problem?
Hi guys!
So I wasn't aware till later on that I had to send in my transcript in addition to manually adding them on optomCAS, so I sent over my transcript after I applied...
So I sent over my transcript on Oct 18th, and was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to arrive and to get...
Hello Everyone,
I was hoping someone could help clarify something for me. As I was finishing applying on optomCAS, I noticed for NECO it asked if I had paid the supplemental fees, which I have not.
I was wondering:
1) is this fee different than the optomcas fee? Because there are two deposits...
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