How long did your Certiphi background check take?

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Apr 29, 2017
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How long did your Certiphi background check take to get processed?

Mine was processed within 5 minutes. I got an email that it was complete and ready to be released to the schools. I logged in and released it.

Is that normal ?
I thought these background checks take at least few days!

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If your background is plain as vanilla, then you're good to go. Looks like it was...
If your background is plain as vanilla, then you're good to go. Looks like it was...
Thankfully it was.
But how did they check my background that fast?:cryi:
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I ordered mine 5 days ago and they still have not finished. So thank your lucky stars.
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Wow that’s impressively quick. Mine took about 17 hours- still a relatively short turnaround

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Mine was complete in January, and I was told all was good. A few days ago, my school called me and said, "you, ah, you gonna send it or nah?"

Come to find out, the auto-send feature never sent it at all! Had to physically release it myself.
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Mine was complete in January, and I was told all was good. A few days ago, my school called me and said, "you, ah, you gonna send it or nah?"

Come to find out, the auto-send feature never sent it at all! Had to physically release it myself.
I released manually. I didn't trust the auto-release.
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Mine took the weekend because they had to verify my DD214 from my time in the Marines.
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5 days. I messed up the dates of my addresses and it included 2 states.
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9 business days. Got results today, from consent on Tuesday last week
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Mine took about 4 days.

So do I have to send the result to my school or will they already have it?
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Mine took a few weeks, because I had an international address listed and they needed more information from me in order to run the records search there. If you’ve mostly lived in the same area and have a squeaky clean past I can see it being returned pretty quickly since they wouldn’t need to run many searches
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Mine took 3 days.

We're on the grid o_O
I honestly had this suspicion. There is no way they checked my record in 33 different agencies, unless they had a prepared report.
I honestly had this suspicion. There is no way they checked my record in 33 different agencies, unless they had a prepared report.

Usually it takes a few days since many superior or district courts need to be checked manually. I would guess, where you live, the computer was able to do everything automatically, which is cool / creepy.
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How long it takes probably depends on a number of factors including how many prior addresses you have had and how many different states you have lived in. Mine took three days.
How expensive were all of yours? I just received mine and it's telling me $150!! :/
I heard something like they base it on where you live and how many places you've lived with $150 the max or something? Kinda frustrating. I have no speeding tickets, nothing on my record. But live in Boston so that might be why?

I didn't pay anything. Have you been accepted to a medical school? You should receive an email with a code to use and it doesn't charge you....
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Maybe they were already digging up dirt on you... when you asked, they just handed over the file at the top of their stack...


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I didn't pay anything. Have you been accepted to a medical school? You should receive an email with a code to use and it doesn't charge you....

:whoa:Wait seriously?? Damnit! Lucky! No I was accepted to OD school hahah but there wasn't anything in our forums so I was looking through here and dental school. This was the most recent thread I came across so I was thinking you guys were charged too! Apparently OD and DMD have to pay for Certiphi ranging from $30-$200 depending on state/how many places lived. Even with the code that they emailed me to put in. FML lol well thanks anyways :) also Congrats! Good luck this fall!
Going on month 4 right now and it still isn't done.

Combo of lots of moving and a fairly common name.
Aha that might be it, I have a very uncommon first and last name.