how much are you guys scoring on Crack the NBDE 1

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Jul 11, 2006
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can u guys kindly share ur avg scores on crack, im getting 85 87 avg n i dunno if thats good or bad
specially those of you who have recieved their nbde scores

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I'd like to know others' scores as well, just to have an idea as what score I'll be expecting on the real thing, which is in 2 wks~ I haven't done crack yet, will do it nxt week.

Thanks guys.
catfish my exam is in 2 wks also. can u please share what all ur doing now? revisions and papers? q bank? crack? im freaking out and cant reallly plan a strategy!thanks
IndianGrad, honestly, I'm not doing much these days. I felt like I've hit the wall. I still haven't finish doing all the old tests I have, so I'm working on those right now. It'll be nice if I could go through the decks again. I know they're very important, and there're still lots stuff on there I don't know, but I really don't like reading the decks at the same time. I still have alot of school related stuff going on & patients for the nxt 2 wks, which is annoying & distracting.

My plan basically is just to finish all the old tests & read maybe highlights on my decks or review books, keep all my free time occupied & take the test.

Don't freak out. We've studied so much and I'd like to think I've done everything I could've done. If I don't get a high score, I'll know there's nothing I could've done any different to change that.

Stay positive & calm. We'll do great.

What's your plan?
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well pretty much ive gone through kaplan book once (doesnt feel like it though) and i JUST got done doing decks (even though in every subject i have a pile of atleast 20-30 decks i found 'boring' and put them aside) and i made notes...exam is on july 11th so im just gonna sit here and review the notes i made and do q bank...i just DONTTTT so dam lost....i feel like i have so much information in my head and its just a swimming pool up there with things floating around in it! but nothing is organized...and i wouldnt be able to recall it!
well pretty much ive gone through kaplan book once (doesnt feel like it though) and i JUST got done doing decks (even though in every subject i have a pile of atleast 20-30 decks i found 'boring' and put them aside) and i made notes...exam is on july 11th so im just gonna sit here and review the notes i made and do q bank...i just DONTTTT so dam lost....i feel like i have so much information in my head and its just a swimming pool up there with things floating around in it! but nothing is organized...and i wouldnt be able to recall it!
ur posts r really very interesting to read and make me :)
well,keep it up!...u'll do well
all the best
LOL thanks porcelain! not kidding though...really, im a mess:scared:
anybody who has exam in 10 days PLEASE share strategy!
Hi indian graduate,
I have my exam on july 24th and I am doing Q bank now-a-days. Have u done it?. What is ur percentage in Q bank. I have done 80% of Q bank and my overall percentage is 75%. I don't know how can I interprate this percentage on conversion scale that's why I am very much confused about my prep. I am a retaker of exam and got 83 last time and now it is a serious issue for me to get a high score. I am fed up from all that study and questions. Whats ur openion about Crack the NBDE.
wow 75% on q bank. thats good i heard !
im averaging 65ish i would say...thats cuz i scored higher in DA than anything....but ya....ive heard crack has mistakes in it...besides its just tough...not helpful (especially cuz it doesnt have explanations) so im not gonna do it.
yeh I am also scoring in DA highest but I think physio is hard. So if crack doesn't has explanations of answers then how can it be helpful and why they are charging so much for using that software. Anyway Best of luck.