IM interviews

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Nov 13, 2002
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Caqn we start a thread listing where people have gotten interviews and from what programs people have been denied interviews? It is still a little early, but things should start picking up soon.

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So far I have 3 offers out of the 20 I applied to ( Not real competitive places in IM):
St. Luke's Bethlehem, Pa
New Hanover regional Wilmington, NC
Greenville Medical center Greenvile, SC
PJMCD said:
So far I have 3 offers out of the 20 I applied to ( Not real competitive places in IM):
St. Luke's Bethlehem, Pa
New Hanover regional Wilmington, NC
Greenville Medical center Greenvile, SC

Do you have everything showing up in the ERAS post office besides the Dean's letter? I sent them my LOR's about 10 days ago and they still have not scanned them.
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dochubert said:
Do you have everything showing up in the ERAS post office besides the Dean's letter? I sent them my LOR's about 10 days ago and they still have not scanned them.

I Am just missing one LOR and my deans letter. I sent in all my stuff a long time ago, and I still had to ride my deans office to put my stuff on the post office. It's still real early in the game, I wouldn't be that concerned, but I would atleast make sure they have all your LOR's.
Got my first at UIC... no letters of recommendation in the postoffice
Submitted Sunday still missing transcript and 2 letters. Got Dartmouth Tuesday.
dochubert said:
Caqn we start a thread listing where people have gotten interviews and from what programs people have been denied interviews? It is still a little early, but things should start picking up soon.

6 interviews so far. 😀 I'm an IMG so I applied to a bunch of places about 80. Everything has been uploaded except my dean's letter. It took forever for my things to get scanned.
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale
Johns Hopkins/Sinai
SUNY Upstate
U Conn
Got my first interview invitation today - University of Kentucky.....whoo-hoo!
I got an interview invitiation from Baylor - Houston today. They also offered to pay for one night in a hotel.

So far, 3 interviews -- ?
Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Univ Illinois-chicago
and now Baylor-Houston.

My application has everything uploaded except one Medicine LOR (from my Core IM 3rd year rotation) and the dean's letter.

Good Luck, everyone.
A friend of mine (applying from NY) has 4 so far:
Penn State
Case Western (metroHealth)
Albany Med.Center
Wright State

All parts of application retrieved besides Dean's Letter.
Hey--for the IMG's out there--I called ECFMG to find out how long it would take for my LOR's and transcript to get scanned and uploaded and they said that they are doing the ones sent in on the 15th this Monday--so a lot longer than the 3-5 day period they claim....just in case anyone is wondering when their thigns will be uploaded.
Since Friday, I have gotten interviews at :
Medical College of Georgia
University of Kentucky
East Carolina University

Out of 14 applications, no rejections so far....fingers crossed!
Granted interview at Dartmouth, no transcript, no Chairman's letter
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nyresident said:
A friend of mine (applying from NY) has 4 so far:
Penn State
Case Western (metroHealth)
Albany Med.Center
Wright State

All parts of application retrieved besides Dean's Letter.

To add to my friend's list:
Medical College of Ohio
Bassett Healthcare Center

Does anyone know if the NYC programs typically take longer to send interview invitations than the above programs? Which of the above programs would you consider attending for residency?

Hey Guys,
Have you heard anything about whether your chances of matching are affected if you interview earlier vs. later??

Just curious
eke...just got Duke in an email!

I think I will delete some of my earlier posts...hopefully the interviews will keep coming, here is my list as of right now.

Duke, Wake Forest, Carolinas Med Ctr, MUSC

Got the duke interview about 1 day after transcript uploaded, probably just coincidence.

Present: 2 LORs and all the other stuff.
Missing: Chairman's letter, Dean's letter (obviously), and one other LOR
Penn State.
Univ. Massachusetts Med.Ctr. (today)
Med. College of Ohio
Albany Med.Ctr.
Wright State Univ.
Bassett healthcare Ctr.
Case Western (Metrohealth Med.Ctr).

i think he applied to too many programs (33 total). nyc programs seem to be waiting for the dean's letters.
Carol Ann,
I notcied you included Wake Forest in your last post. Were those places that you have applied or places that you have recieved interviews from so far?
dochubert said:
Carol Ann,
I notcied you included Wake Forest in your last post. Were those places that you have applied or places that you have recieved interviews from so far?

They are interviews....I go to school in state and have some personal connections at Wake, so I think that's why I got an interview offer so early.
carol ann said:
They are interviews....I go to school in state and have some personal connections at Wake, so I think that's why I got an interview offer so early.

Best of luck to you.
PJMCD said:
So far I have 3 offers out of the 20 I applied to ( Not real competitive places in IM):
St. Luke's Bethlehem, Pa
New Hanover regional Wilmington, NC
Greenville Medical center Greenvile, SC
Just a few interviews to add:
York Hospital, York, Pa
Lankenau hosptal, Philadelphia, Pa
MUSC Charleston, Sc
Two so far.

Wright State University
Atlanta Medical Center

I really appreciate if you can share your opinion on these two places from your past interview experience or if you know someone who is there now. Thanks.
One so far,

Maricopa County Med Center, Phoenix, AZ
hammersmith said:
Two so far.

Wright State University
Atlanta Medical Center

I really appreciate if you can share your opinion on these two places from your past interview experience or if you know someone who is there now. Thanks.

To add to this list

Wayne state
Wake Forest

still missing an LOR, and my smiling photo !
TulaneKid24 said:
I got an interview invitiation from Baylor - Houston today. They also offered to pay for one night in a hotel.

So far, 3 interviews -- ?
Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Univ Illinois-chicago
and now Baylor-Houston.

My application has everything uploaded except one Medicine LOR (from my Core IM 3rd year rotation) and the dean's letter.

Good Luck, everyone.

Just recapping my list - 5 so far.
Got Univ. of Miami and Northwestern-McGaw this week.
So far...


All the goods are in, minus Dean's Letter
Six so far

University of Michigan
UT Southwestern
UC Irvine
Scripps La Jolla
I got these about 2 weeks ago:

Carolinas Medical Center
mgobovic said:
6 interviews so far. 😀 I'm an IMG so I applied to a bunch of places about 80. Everything has been uploaded except my dean's letter. It took forever for my things to get scanned.
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale
Johns Hopkins/Sinai
SUNY Upstate
U Conn

Got a few more this week that makes it 13 😀 Can anyone tell me what they think about some of these programs?

Newark Beth Israel
Albert Einstein Med Ctr
Maricopa Med Ctr
Ochsner Clinic
U of Arizona - Tucson Hospitals
Drexel U

Carolinas Medical

eight down... still waiting on my chairman to step up and finish my letter
svetang said:

Carolinas Medical

eight down... still waiting on my chairman to step up and finish my letter
Wow, you got Cornell already? I didn't know they were sending out invites yet! I thought the ivies wait for the Dean's Letter. Are you AOA?

Just to add a few more, I just got Univ of Maryland and Tulane.
Baylor in Houston
University of Florida
So I guess I should day baby Cornell (i.e. NY hospital queens Cornell affiliate)... Silly ERAS I applied to the wrong one. Oh well, plenty left to worry about
So Far (put in my app last wed),

Cleveland Clinic
Mayo - scottsdale
Albert Einstein - philly
Temple (oferred dates, but not an official interview, just an email saying they were very very likely to interview, and a schedule of dates, said they were waiting for the deans letter (out on nov 1 at our school))
North shore university

Waiting for more......hopefully.

Good luck to all!
I got 2 today...for a total of three

Temple (offered interview dates)

i am still missing 2 LORs, my transcript, and of course deans' letter. it really makes me wonder how these programs are deciding who gets interviews if they are missing my transcript and LORs. anyway my school will start uploading our transcripts this week and after that there should be some more movement.

Just got St. Luke's - Roosevelt in NYC, and Mayo Scottsdale
got Columbia first! woohoo!

granted, i'm only interviewing for a prelim year. i'm anesthesia bound! (hopefully) 😀
carol ann said:
Duke, Wake Forest, Carolinas Med Ctr, MUSC

Just got an emory invite today! yipee! Most of the invite dates they offered me were in November (when I am in the MICU) or days in December I am already scheduled -- hopefully they have other December dates available!
to add to my list of:
Carolinas Medical Program

I also have been invited to:
U of Florida
Albert Einstein (Philly)
Temple (for interview dates, not an interview. . .yet 🙂)

Two more interviews today!


Good Luck to everyone.
TulaneKid24 said:
Two more interviews today!


Good Luck to everyone.

UCSF?! whoah 😱 *bows to TulaneKid*
i have received 2 interviews but many of you have heard from places that I haven't. However, none of my letters have been scanned in. how many of you that have more interviews have all your letters in?
my friend has his 3 LORs in, PS in, board score transcripts in, academic transcript in, and deans letter uploaded but unable to be downloaded until november 1st.

he has 7 interviews: most desirable ones are Penn State, Univ. of Mass., Albany Med., and got the Temple preliminary e-mail but not the official invitation.

he's waiting for the new york city (and suburbs) programs which are slow to reply. anybody know if these programs traditionally take that long?
chigirl said:
i have received 2 interviews but many of you have heard from places that I haven't. However, none of my letters have been scanned in. how many of you that have more interviews have all your letters in?

the more competitive programs will generally wait until your applications are complete before they grant you an interview (sans Dean's Letter of course). then there are highly competitive programs like columbia which don't even consider your application until you application is complete including the Dean's Letter. i would expect that you'll be getting more interviews once a few of your letters are scanned in.

U of Michigan
U of Maryland
St. Lukes-Roosevelt (NYC)

Waiting on the big names to roll out invitations to IMGs like me.
Add Southwestern... nine down!
Has anyone heard from Rush, Loyola, or U of Chicago yet?

Just trying to find out for an anxious friend.