Indiana State University

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7+ Year Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Hey Guys!

So I was just offered an interview at Indiana State University which obviously I am going to go but I do not know much about the school or previous students that have gone there. I know that they are still in the accreditation process but I also know they have had at least one class go through. I was wondering if anyone can give me any insight or feedback with any help, tips, or comments!

Thank you!!!!

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ISU is one of my top choices for DPT school. I'd love to know how your interview went/goes and any other information you'd be willing to give as far as your stats
I interviewed at ISU back in November and was accepted, but ultimately chose another school. Their first class of students started last May so the program will not become accredited until those students graduate in 2018. I really liked the program and what I saw based on my interview. The faculty seemed great and they all felt confident that there would be no issues with accreditation in the future. Let me know if you have any other questions and I will do my best to answer based on what I know!
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Hey if you guys got accepted or offered an interview for Indiana State could you post your stats? That would help me out a lot!
I interviewed at ISU back in November and was accepted, but ultimately chose another school. Their first class of students started last May so the program will not become accredited until those students graduate in 2018. I really liked the program and what I saw based on my interview. The faculty seemed great and they all felt confident that there would be no issues with accreditation in the future. Let me know if you have any other questions and I will do my best to answer based on what I know!
What were your stats?
What were your stats?
154 Q 153 V 4 AW
180 inpatient hours, 100 outpatient hours
I don't remember my exact GPA's but my science GPA was between 3.4-3.5 and my cumulative was between 3.5-3.6
154 Q 153 V 4 AW
180 inpatient hours, 100 outpatient hours
I don't remember my exact GPA's but my science GPA was between 3.4-3.5 and my cumulative was between 3.5-3.6
Thanks for the reply. I currently have 152Q 155V 4.5AW and virtually exact GPA..I'm taking the GRE again in a few days, I was very disappointed in my quantitative score as I have done much much better on all practice tests.
Thanks for the reply. I currently have 152Q 155V 4.5AW and virtually exact GPA..I'm taking the GRE again in a few days, I was very disappointed in my quantitative score as I have done much much better on all practice tests.
Well good luck the second time around! You should have no problem with your current score at ISU, but I understand wanting to improve especially if you are applying to more competitive schools.
Well good luck the second time around! You should have no problem with your current score at ISU, but I understand wanting to improve especially if you are applying to more competitive schools.
I ended up getting 160Q, 156V, and 4.5AW.. What do you think? Will that increase my application strength?