Coursework & Fieldwork Information about field works? Tips, advices, etc

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7+ Year Member
Jan 13, 2016
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Because all OT students are required to do field works, is there any information or tips you could share? In my school, mini fieldworks I (per population/types) happens every semester (starting semester 2). The last 6 months is a big fieldwork II.

How many times a week you have to do fieldwork?
How do you guys find fieldworks?
Did you enjoy it? Fav population or areas in OT?
Doing fieldworks out of state? Possibly at the state you want to be employed at?

Any kind of information would be appreciated.

Thank you 🙂!!

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Ill be starting my IIs soon.

Clinical dept should find you sites. They ask you your preferences on locations and type of sites. Obv no guarantee of either ...

Ill be in Acute/Inpatient and/or SNF.

People senior to me in school enjoyed their IIs.

Fieldwork I is generally glorified shadowing. Some OTs may show you some treatments etc but dont count on it.

Depending on your program you may have some type of "skills/transfers" class 1st semester. If the OT you are shadowing does something in a different way, do not be like "thats wrong". I have heard this a couple of times lol.