Interview Invites 2017 - 2018

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7+ Year Member
May 22, 2016
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Post schools that either YOU have received an II from or schools that you know have given them out already (and dates if available). If you received a rejection feel free to put that too, any information helps. Let's keep adding to the list!

Add when you were complete and stats if you have them on hand.

Good luck everyone!

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Pritzker - began interviewing late July (saw on thread)
Baylor - began interviewing late July (saw on thread).... appears to give them on Tuesdays but don't quote me on that..
Pritzker - began interviewing late July (saw on thread)
Baylor - began interviewing late July (saw on thread).... appears to give them on Tuesdays but don't quote me on that..

Seriously bro/babe.. there is already a very detailed II thread
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See the signature, feel free to share in your threads.