Interview Season Stress Tips

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7+ Year Member
Jun 3, 2016
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Just figured I'd make this thread because
A- I'm bored at work
B- I also feel the stress and wanted to help out some of my friends on the interview trail

So as most of you know, It's interview season!
Basically, the single most stressful point of your life thus far, especially if you come to these threads and read about people having 8+ IIs by now. So I figured I'd compile a list of the things I've been doing to stay sane & (relatively) low stress. Maybe this will help someone.

Some facts:

- As of today, (Oct. 10) It is still early in the cycle. It may not seem like it, but it is.

- Most matriculants don't get more than 3-4 interviews, so if you have a couple already, you are doing good!

- Even if you don't have one, its OKAY. Believe it or not, it takes time, lots of time, to go through 10,000 applications one by one and pick 10% to interview. Give the adcoms some time to work!

- As many of our esteemed advisors and faculty have said, the process is similar to a staircase.
- Your app will be ranked based on how qualified you are for the school. Just because you may not be in the top tier, doesn't mean you won't be invited at some point! The schools are going to interview the all-stars first, then work their way down. Its entirely possible they won't get to you until november or december!

-As the all knowing internet sensation doctor-cat @Goro reminds us:
"Patience is a virtue, the need for instant gratification is not."

Some tips for avoiding stress during this time:

- Start working out: Lifting, Swimming, Running, or a combination of the three. I can't emphasize enough how much this helps.

- Meditate: Spend 5 minutes focusing on your breathing. Force yourself to be present in the moment, it really helps you relax. There are lots of good guides online.

-Pursue Hobbies: Do the things you love, because you won't have a lot of time for them over the next 10 years! Join a band, play in a rec league, paint, practice, whatever! Just do something you love.

- Try your best not to check your email multiple times per day! Refreshing the page isn't gonna make the interview invites come in any faster, but it will make you feel bad about yourself.

- Just try and rest assured that this is a long, sloooow process. We all think that we have awesome apps and that they're gonna pick us first. There's just so many of us that it isn't gonna play out like that all the time.

It's going to be okay. Take a step back & relax.

Before anyone says it (looking at you baratheon), yes, I do have an II. I realize how lucky I am. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to get stressed nor share some of the things that help keep me sane during the cycle.

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Just figured I'd make this thread because
A- I'm bored at work
B- I also feel the stress and wanted to help out some of my friends on the interview trail

So as most of you know, It's interview season!
Basically, the single most stressful point of your life thus far, especially if you come to these threads and read about people having 8+ IIs by now. So I figured I'd compile a list of the things I've been doing to stay sane & (relatively) low stress. Maybe this will help someone.

Some facts:

- As of today, (Oct. 10) It is still early in the cycle. It may not seem like it, but it is.

- Most matriculants don't get more than 3-4 interviews, so if you have a couple already, you are doing good!

- Even if you don't have one, its OKAY. Believe it or not, it takes time, lots of time, to go through 10,000 applications one by one and pick 10% to interview. Give the adcoms some time to work!

- As many of our esteemed advisors and faculty have said, the process is similar to a staircase.
- Your app will be ranked based on how qualified you are for the school. Just because you may not be in the top tier, doesn't mean you won't be invited at some point! The schools are going to interview the all-stars first, then work their way down. Its entirely possible they won't get to you until november or december!

-As the all knowing internet sensation doctor-cat @Goro reminds us:
"Patience is a virtue, the need for instant gratification is not."

Some tips for avoiding stress during this time:

- Start working out: Lifting, Swimming, Running, or a combination of the three. I can't emphasize enough how much this helps.

- Meditate: Spend 5 minutes focusing on your breathing. Force yourself to be present in the moment, it really helps you relax. There are lots of good guides online.

-Pursue Hobbies: Do the things you love, because you won't have a lot of time for them over the next 10 years! Join a band, play in a rec league, paint, practice, whatever! Just do something you love.

- Try your best not to check your email multiple times per day! Refreshing the page isn't gonna make the interview invites come in any faster, but it will make you feel bad about yourself.

- Just try and rest assured that this is a long, sloooow process. We all think that we have awesome apps and that they're gonna pick us first. There's just so many of us that it isn't gonna play out like that all the time.

It's going to be okay. Take a step back & relax.

Before anyone says it (looking at you baratheon), yes, I do have an II. I realize how lucky I am. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to get stressed nor share some of the things that help keep me sane during the cycle.

Thank you thank you thank you for this. Sometimes I regret ever joining this site, mainly because I have become somewhat obsessive about II's and checking portals and such, however posts like this restore my faith in SDN. We all need to be more banana and less baratheon
Same... that was a rough day
Honestly, I miss studying for the mcat. The single minded focus , the obsession, the tracking of progress and clear goals with a clear result after taking a practice exam was all satisfying. Needless to say I look back at the challenge fondly and the process required to face it. Few things in life work this way where you have a clear measurable outcome of your efforts.
Honestly, I miss studying for the mcat. The single minded focus , the obsession, the tracking of progress and clear goals with a clear result after taking a practice exam was all satisfying. Needless to say I look back at the challenge fondly and the process required to face it. Few things in life work this way where you have a clear measurable outcome of your efforts.

I agree with you; however, I am happy I do not need to do that again for a couple years. It was a great feeling putting in the work and having a clear measurable outcome at the end of it.
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I agree with all of these, but I know that there's no way I'm gonna stop refreshing my email every 10 minutes. Every time my phone vibrates my heart drops.
I got one today from the US Army recruiting office. The Email title was "Medical School......"
My heart dropped until I saw the full title was "Medical School of your choice! ARMY Scholarship"
I got one today from the US Army recruiting office. The Email title was "Medical School......"
My heart dropped until I saw the full title was "Medical School of your choice! ARMY Scholarship"
haha i've gotten that email too and had the same reaction. I also get emails from some school called trinity that are always titled something along the lines "medical school application". Why do they do this to us?
Those emails that are "Subject: Medical school invitation" but are actually meaningless podiatry emails
haha i've gotten that email too and had the same reaction. I also get emails from some school called trinity that are always titled something along the lines "medical school application". Why do they do this to us?

I get those Trinity emails too! I'm thinking maybe it's Carribean? And randomly ones from Duke, which I never even applied to
I got one today from the US Army recruiting office. The Email title was "Medical School......"
My heart dropped until I saw the full title was "Medical School of your choice! ARMY Scholarship"
Hahahahaha I've received 3 emails from podiatry schools. Like, no.
I agree with all of these, but I know that there's no way I'm gonna stop refreshing my email every 10 minutes. Every time my phone vibrates my heart drops.
I have thought about setting of setting up email to text so I get a text message with every incoming email. That way I can respond quicker to penis pill offers and IIs