Is it too late for interview invites?

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Jan 7, 2018
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I know it varies by school but I submitted all my secondaries by august 23rd and have only heard back from 3 out of 17 schools (with one interview and two holds). Does this likely mean that I won't be getting any more interview invites? I know I should just be patient but I am having trouble staying optimistic after reading other posts on here.

Stats are 3.64 GPA, 511 MCAT with two years of research, clinical internship and hospital internship

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NO. The END someone should sticky this until January cause this gets asked every day
@Twinkie2!97 ,
No, it is not too late. Don't read into everything on SDN because you will begin comparing yourself too often amongst other users on the forum. Everyone's situation is unique, and you just need to keep pushing forward even though it can be such an anxious time.
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I have been complete silence at a school since Aug 1 when marked complete. I totally forgot about that school. I just got an II from them two days ago so no, not too late.

70% of people with your stats get in. If the lottery were like that, I'd definitely buy the ticket, wouldn't you? With your ECs you should be fine. You already have one II. Don't worry!