Is my pre-med advisor right regarding coursework?

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7+ Year Member
Mar 26, 2015
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I'll be a senior next year, only seriously started down the pre-med path my junior year, though I'd taken some science coursework, and thus some pre-reqs, out of interest in my previous two years. My pre-med advisor is advising that I take more than the usual course load for my school to finish my pre-reqs this year because it will "show dedication to this path and the ability to cope with rigor".

However, I've also read that its best to take it slow to ensure good grades. If I did this, I would still have two courses (Orgo 2 and Physics 2) to take after I graduate. I would probably take these the summer after my senior year and take two gap years.

Any advice? Finish my pre-reqs (and only take one gap year) and show I can handle lots of sciences and a hefty course load, or take it slow & easy to potentially protect my GPA?

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GPA above all else. Do no risk GPA in the belief that heavy course load will show commitment. If you take the heavier load and dont do well, you will be in weakened position. Do not try to take Ochem and Physics in the summer together or at all in the summer. Ochem can be a brutal amount of material in a condensed summer course and summer courses still generally do not look great in summer. You would be better off with Physics only in the summer, Orgo during the regular year and when do you take biochem and all before MCAT.

Thanks for the advice, this is what I thought. At my school, biochemistry only has an orgo 1 pre-req so I would be taking that my senior spring before graduating.