If you are really not ready and this is not just panic before the test day.
Then don't go, and pay 430 dollars for another date this month or another month does not matter, only the money matters in this case.
If you score bad, you'll pay 430 dollars anyway for a retake
but the catch would be, you'll have to wait for 3 months!
3 months of this hell again plus you might have a bad Dat that won't delete itself unless you scored better because some schools like to look at recent scores and other schools look at them both.
The other course of action would be to cancel the date for 100 dollars now and I guess you can schedule for another 100 dollars for another date this month or the next as long as your 6 month period is not done yet.
I am not sure about the last tip though, I am pretty sure if you cancel you'd pay 100 dollars so that gotta mean you will not need to register again for test and just pay 100 dollars for another date. You need to call Prometric and discuss this ASAP because right now, it's their business hour time.
If you decide not to go, give yourself 2 weeks or so. Review your notes again, and check the answers you did wrong on destroyer and bootcamp, and , since you already done Bootcamp, my next advice would be to utilize datqvault, I am using it right now and I think it's really good, more practice is always better.
Whatever you choose, I hope you do well on the test.
Best of luck!