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5+ Year Member
Dec 27, 2017
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My letter of rec from my dentist is not on letterhead. I asked him and he doesn't have one. For those of you with a similar experience, what did you do? Is there like a template one you can give them? Do you create your own? Help! (I'm using Interfolio btw)


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I had to make my dentist one. I took the logo from his website and added his practice's address to it (in Word). I then took a screenshot of that to compress it into one image. I'm obviously not a Photoshop pro but Interfolio ended up taking it when he added it to his letter.
I had to make my dentist one. I took the logo from his website and added his practice's address to it (in Word). I then took a screenshot of that to compress it into one image. I'm obviously not a Photoshop pro but Interfolio ended up taking it when he added it to his letter.
Thanks for your response! So basically the 'letterhead' you created was a normal Word document with a makeshift Header with the dentists' logo and address?