Looking for a Study Schedule for MCAT

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5+ Year Member
Dec 14, 2016
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Hey SDN,

Im going to Study for the MCAT in December and plan on taking my MCAT May 5th. Giving me about 5 months. I will also be in school but am taking a light load.
I have been trying to make a study schedule that is personalized to me. Anyone willing to help.

I have Kaplan 7 subject study books
I am getting the AAMCA practice full length tests and Q-bank
Planning on incorporating Quizlet flashcards and Kahn Acad. In my studying
Willing to get other materials that you feel are necessary.

If some has their schedule or is willing to help me...MUCH Appreciated!!!

If anyone is willing please help!


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About MCAT Preparation - online resource for MCAT practice tests, course schedules & tips we just updated this. Additionally, most people at the company seem to think our online class is the best value. It's /realgood/ and it's all I used. At the same time, I also write content/teach for the class so maybe I am biased.

The class gives a pretty rigid schedule on what to know/when to know it. The EK books are all about efficiency and giving you just the right amount to do well on the test. For topics you're weak in, like me in biochemistry, the next best companies are likely Berkley, Khan, and Princeton.