Hi, I'm new on this forum site so I'm not entirely sure how posting threads work, but I'm giving this a shot since everything that I search on google leads me here.
I'm a second year undergrad at UCSD, currently majoring in human bio. I recently switched to human bio over the summer after I realized my first year that engineering was not for me. My first year, I mostly took classes that fulfilled my GE requirements for my specific college and not my major at the time (Structural Engineering), although I did take an Intro to Structural Engineering course, which was what made me decide to switch routes. I did a lot of research and talked to a lot of people about what to do with my life. I came across Optometry by accident and after doing a lot of research and asking questions, I fell in love with the idea of it. I just joined a pre-Optometry club at my school this year (2nd year). I only took one chem class my first year and I loved it. Since I didn't take any other science-related classes my first year, I'm pretty behind fulfilling the lower-division requirements for my human bio major. In addition to that, my GPA has been dropping tremendously. I ended Winter quarter 2015 with a 3.5 GPA. At the end of Spring quarter 2015, I dropped to a 2.8 after failing Physics and receiving a C- in Math. This past quarter, Fall 2015, I am currently receiving grades, but so far it's not looking so good (most likely, I'll be receiving C's for 3 classes). Honestly, I don't party, I don't drink, and I don't go out too much. I study really hard and yet I do so poorly on tests. I really do enjoy Bio and Chem but my grades are not making the cut.
With a GPA ranging from 2.4-2.8 my 2nd year, do I still have a chance to go into Optometry School? I have 2 years to fix it, but honestly if I'm already doing so bad in lower division classes, I don't know how I'm going to get better grades in upper division courses. I'm really stressed out about my grades.
I'm a second year undergrad at UCSD, currently majoring in human bio. I recently switched to human bio over the summer after I realized my first year that engineering was not for me. My first year, I mostly took classes that fulfilled my GE requirements for my specific college and not my major at the time (Structural Engineering), although I did take an Intro to Structural Engineering course, which was what made me decide to switch routes. I did a lot of research and talked to a lot of people about what to do with my life. I came across Optometry by accident and after doing a lot of research and asking questions, I fell in love with the idea of it. I just joined a pre-Optometry club at my school this year (2nd year). I only took one chem class my first year and I loved it. Since I didn't take any other science-related classes my first year, I'm pretty behind fulfilling the lower-division requirements for my human bio major. In addition to that, my GPA has been dropping tremendously. I ended Winter quarter 2015 with a 3.5 GPA. At the end of Spring quarter 2015, I dropped to a 2.8 after failing Physics and receiving a C- in Math. This past quarter, Fall 2015, I am currently receiving grades, but so far it's not looking so good (most likely, I'll be receiving C's for 3 classes). Honestly, I don't party, I don't drink, and I don't go out too much. I study really hard and yet I do so poorly on tests. I really do enjoy Bio and Chem but my grades are not making the cut.
With a GPA ranging from 2.4-2.8 my 2nd year, do I still have a chance to go into Optometry School? I have 2 years to fix it, but honestly if I'm already doing so bad in lower division classes, I don't know how I'm going to get better grades in upper division courses. I'm really stressed out about my grades.