Major or no Major?

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Nov 24, 2006
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I don't feel like doing a major in any field really mainly due to the fact that I would had to complete some second year courses which I do not have the time for.

If I don't get a major but just get a general science degree will it effect my chances of getting into optometry school?

Is it possible to get into optometry school with an average GPA/OAT score and 3 Years of undergrad?I dont see The point of doing an extra yearif you can get in with three years of undergrad.

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I got into optometry for the fall and I will only have 3 years of undergrad. I declared a major but then worked on my prerequisites for schools. Its still a good idea to have a back up plan in case it takes you more than one year to get accepted somewhere.
I got into optometry for the fall and I will only have 3 years of undergrad. I declared a major but then worked on my prerequisites for schools. Its still a good idea to have a back up plan in case it takes you more than one year to get accepted somewhere.

What was you're GPA ?
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I have a 3.4 in honors chemistry. My oat scores were AA 350 and TS 360. I also had a lot of volunteer/ leadership experience and almost a year of working at an optometry clinic and shadowing.
I have a 3.4 in honors chemistry. My oat scores were AA 350 and TS 360. I also had a lot of volunteer/ leadership experience and almost a year of working at an optometry clinic and shadowing.

Hats of to you! You probably could have gotten in w/o working considering you're GPA is pretty good. Holy cow, I just re-read you're original post. Did you do a honours Bachelors Degree in 3 years ? Or did you have 90 credits ?

My situation is that im a 2nd year- I have gotten 4-6c's due to just being lazy. I dont know if I can go into opto school with 90 credits even if I get all B's/A's.

Should I focus on 2 more years of schooling or another year ?
I only had 90 credits. but I think that is tougher to get into school after only 3 years. So have a backup plan in case you spend an extra year. From what I understand a few low grades don't look as bad when you earn a degree. Work hard, I'm sure you can get your average up.
I would definately apply after 3 years, you can't get in if you don't apply.