MCAT Content Review Method Help

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Aug 13, 2018
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Hey all. So I’m starting content review now. I plan to go through most the Kaplan books and make an Anki deck. How many chapters a day would you recommend? And about how long would you think it would take?

Also, would a passive read/ making Anki them reviewing Anki be good for content?

I’m aiming for a mid January test date. Taking 12 credit hours. Only one seemingly challenging class, and I work approx 8 hrs a week but usually on Saturday or Friday.

Thank you!

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Anki is very time consuming - and for the most part, the MCAT requires you to know a lot of material in very superficial detail, so creating thousands of flashcards on trivia is not a good use of time vs. understanding concepts. There are some exceptions - flashcards are good for the things that do need to be rote memorized, like amino acids, nucleotides, physics formulas, and psych/soc vocabulary words.
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Anki is very time consuming - and for the most part, the MCAT requires you to know a lot of material in very superficial detail, so creating thousands of flashcards on trivia is not a good use of time vs. understanding concepts. There are some exceptions - flashcards are good for the things that do need to be rote memorized, like amino acids, nucleotides, physics formulas, and psych/soc vocabulary words.
What would you recommend? What was your study method/schedule?