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5+ Year Member
Dec 24, 2017
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Hi Guys!

I've recently moved to the area and am looking for colleagues who are also studying for the MCAT right now. Though I feel like I work faster during self-study, but having a partner or group to review practice tests and difficult questions can create way more efficient review process.

I plan to take my MCAT in late-June of this year, though I am only going to take the test if I am scoring close to my goal on my practice tests. Right now, I am still in the early stages of content review and am utilizing an online partial-Kaplan prep course (hottest hitters only) as well as the Kaplan books. I have some other resources, but I find Kaplan is best for me.

Once I finish the majority of content review, I will be focusing on the rest of my Kaplan Full Lengths, then UWorld Question Banks (what medical school students use for boards) for the MCAT, and then the AAMC practice tests since there are only 3.

I'd love to share resources and create a group of encouragement!

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We've got 2 takers so far! That makes 3 of us! We all have different schedules, so please reach out if you are interested in having someone to study with and to help motivate you! We have MCAT dates end of June - beginning of August!
Hi! We are beginning our first practice tests in 1 week and will probably decide whether we need to meet up or not to review them after that point. How far along are you in your studies? I'm taking mine July 24th and his is the first test ate in August.