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Which should I attend

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5+ Year Member
Dec 2, 2017
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Hello everyone, I was accepted to both of these programs yesterday and would love your opinion regarding which I should choose! Also, I still have an interview scheduled for A.T Still Missouri for mid-December. Do you recommend that I attend it?

I never thought I would be in this position of choosing between two acceptances, I feel very blessed!
Here are my thoughts towards each:

Midwestern IL-
-nice campus and town and good proximity to downtown Chicago.
-However, when I toured, I didn't feel a community feel from the current students.
-Costs more (Tuition 70K)
-Large class: 130 seats (negative)
-Boring 4th-year program. It's four (each ~ 1week long) externship in neighboring areas. The ambassador told me that students generally just drive back and forth every day.
-only 3.5 hours flight to home (southwest state)

UNE- Portland-
-nice but small campus
-super close to downtown Portland.
-small class: 64 seats (positive)
-When I toured, everybody seemed friendly and close to one another.
-Costs less (Tuition 60k)
-4th year, you get to choose an externship in any of the northeast states.
-7 to 8 hours flight home (southwest state)

What are your thoughts or comments?

Good luck to everyone in the cycle!!

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Just by reading this- I could tell you’re more enthusiastic about UNE. Wish I got an acceptance there! Enjoy it
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Just by reading this- I could tell you’re more enthusiastic about UNE. Wish I got an acceptance there! Enjoy it
ya, that's the one I'm leaning toward but I'm just looking for what others might have to say. Maybe regarding reasons I haven't thought of already. Also, thank you and good luck to you!!