More W' or what

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5+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2016
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Currently doing horrible in Bio and Bio Lab. Highest I can get in Bio Lab is a C+ and that's if I get a perfect. Doing horrible in Bio right now. What should I do?

Already have one W over the summer with Orgo. Going through some personal family issues. Advice? I wasn't gonna drop Bio Lab... Help?

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the added stress of having those grades on your transcript isn't worth it. you'll always be worried about if you got rejected due to those grades, if you'll be asked about them at interviews, your reasons, if your decision making/time management skills will be questioned, etc.

the added stress of having those grades on your transcript isn't worth it. you'll always be worried about if you got rejected due to those grades, if you'll be asked about them at interviews, your reasons, if your decision making/time management skills will be questioned, etc.

Both? Or just one? Won't med schools think I don't know how to finish something if I drop?
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Self-handicapping in this case would be to use your family issues as an excuse to continue doing poorly in your classes. Be smart about this.

You should be asking your advisor how dropping one or both of these courses will impact your trajectory over the next few years. It may delay you a year or two, but that's better than screwing yourself over in the long run.

Otherwise, keep both and use this as a lesson and motivation to work harder in the future.
Self-handicapping in this case would be to use your family issues as an excuse to continue doing poorly in your classes. Be smart about this.

You should be asking your advisor how dropping one or both of these courses will impact your trajectory over the next few years. It may delay you a year or two, but that's better than screwing yourself over in the long run.

Otherwise, keep both and use this as a lesson and motivation to work harder in the future.

You're absolutely right. Dropping these two wouldn't delay me a year or two. It would however, mean I'd have to retake them next summer...
In my experience, people tend to do better during the accelerated summer courses. I would definitely spread them out over two different summers though.
In my experience, people tend to do better during the accelerated summer courses. I would definitely spread them out over two different summers though.

Yeah. Thinking of keeping Bio Lab tho. Bio lecture can wait until next summer lol