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7+ Year Member
Jun 3, 2017
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Hello SDN this is my very first post. I couldn't find an answer anywhere on on the site, but I remember looking up pre-reqs for for medical schools on the school websites and reading that one school did have an exception of some sort for this. I'm currently taking Gen Chem 2 and it includes organic chemistry. Does anyone know whether or not I will still have to take both Orgo 1 & 2 or a higher level chem course? Thanks in advance.

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Yeah you will. The Orgo that's covered in Gen Chem is hella basic and more like an introduction to organic chemistry.

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You're probably thinking of Organic nomenclature, which is standard to include in most introductory chemistry classes. The difference between the Organic you learn in general chemistry, as compared to a traditional Organic class is implied in the name: it's the difference between reading a dictionary and novel.
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Hello SDN this is my very first post. I couldn't find an answer anywhere on on the site, but I remember looking up pre-reqs for for medical schools on the school websites and reading that one school did have an exception of some sort for this. I'm currently taking Gen Chem 2 and it includes organic chemistry. Does anyone know whether or not I will still have to take both Orgo 1 & 2 or a higher level chem course? Thanks in advance.
Hi OP, yes you'll still have to take organic chemistry 1 and 2. My general chemistry I class included a little bit of organic as well (basic naming, identifying organic functional groups, etc.).