Navy SO looking for residencies near Navy Bases

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Mar 28, 2016
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I was wondering how many other people on here have a military SO/spouse and are wondering what their options are for residency. Of course I will be looking into ACGME residencies near my SO's base and am aware that we may have to continue being LDR for the entirety/some of my residency.

Has anyone been in this position before and know anything about civilian residency spots at military hospitals (other than those few spots being VERY competitive)?

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You’re going to have to give us your spouses residency for us to be able to provide any help.
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The only close program near NMCP that you could live in the same house is EVMS. Others (UVA, Duke, UNC, ECU) are all about 3 hrs away. My geography sucks to know off the top of my head of civilian residencies near other navy programs.
My SO isn’t a doctor. He is just in the Navy and we are currently a LDR. So I’m looking for residencies that are near Navy bases so we can hopefully be closer to each other during residency!
As for myself I’m not sure what speciality I’m going to pursue yet. I’m a third year medical student. Thinking either internal medicine, neuropsychology, or OBGYN.
There aren’t civilian spots at military programs anymore to my knowledge.

Is your SO doing FP or another specialty?

Correct, but VA spots exist to help fill programs that otherwise wouldn’t. TAMC internal medicine for example.

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My SO isn’t a doctor. He is just in the Navy and we are currently a LDR. So I’m looking for residencies that are near Navy bases so we can hopefully be closer to each other during residency!
What he does in the Navy and where he is in his career would give a better picture of where he might be stationed when you apply for residency. Not all Naval bases are the same.
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What he does in the Navy and where he is in his career would give a better picture of where he might be stationed when you apply for residency. Not all Naval bases are the same.
He is a E6 submariner with 10 years in and going to stay in until retirement at 20 years. So near submarines such as Groton, CT, King’s Bay, GA, Norfolk, VA, and San Diego, CA.
That’s a very different scenario. He needs to figure out where he’s best able to do back to back tours.

Groton would give you the largest number of options within a few hours.
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Groton, Norfolk, San Diego, Guam, and Honolulu have SSNs. Seattle and Kings Bay have SSBNs.
That’s a very different scenario. He needs to figure out where he’s best able to do back to back tours.

Groton would give you the largest number of options within a few hours.

Going to second this. Also likely to not have any problem volunteering for back to back sea duty. I sure didn’t.