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Jan 27, 2018
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I am on a road trip across the country to settle in Lebanon, Oregon where I will be attending Western U. Currently, I am venturing through the Midwest and on my way to Kansas City for the night. Just several minutes ago, I received a phone call saying that I was accepted to KCU. They are giving me until the morning to make my final decision. KCU has been my number one school throughout the admissions process and this is just all happening at the strangest moment. Any advice????

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I'm biased. I love Kansas City. Grew up here and it's an awesome city. I have a friend starting at KCU this year and he's pretty excited about it. If it was your top school and you feel you would enjoy it more than your other acceptance I would go with your gut.
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This is what I’d do...

Find the nearest national forest and go on a hike to clear your mind and calm your thoughts (if you're religious this is when a quick prayer would come in handy). Control your emotions and distinguish any panic. In the morning make the call and go where you feel is the best for you.

Even though this is a huge decision that will effect the course of your life it does not mean that a correct answer can't be obtained quickly.
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Lol stay in kcu. It’s closer to home
Kansas City sounds a whole lot better than Lebanon, Oregon.

Do what your heart desires...
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Go where you know you’ll be happier OP. Congrats! :)
Go to KCU, sir. It sounds like it’s a better fit for you because you mentioned it being your top choice and you will be closer to your family. Will it be more work than just continuing on with your current road trip? Absolutely, but this is a relatively minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things. My personal opinion is you will look back on this day a couple years from now and be happy with your decision to attend KCU.
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I chose KCU over Western U Lebanon 2 years ago. I haven’t regretted my choice. If you want the city and pretty good resources for a DO school go to KCU. If you want to live in rural town go to lebanon. Just know we have one of the hardest curriculums. But you’ll be prepared.
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