Need some advice on my post bacc. Withdrawl? P/F? Tough it out?

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May 10, 2022
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Currently finishing up my DIY post-bacc at my local state college, I have a 3.8 postbacc GPA currently. However, this term has been kind of a ****show since my dad was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. He’s been in and out of the hospital and it’s been overall hard for my family and I. The extra duties of bringing him food, making appointments to translate (since he doesn't speak English), and stress of his prognosis have been getting to me.

Somehow, through it all, I’ve been maintaining “A’s” in all my postbacc courses except for a elective high level physics course. I could probably scrape a “B-/C+“ on it but it would ruin my goal of getting a perfect “A” term before applying this cycle. Do you think it would be in my best interest to change the course to P/F or even withdrawal? I know you want to maintain as high of a GPA as possible in your postbacc, but what would adcoms think about P/F or W? Should I just ride it out and see what grade I get? Any input would be appreciated, thanks.

For reference, if I were to take the W or P/F it would be my first one ever!

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Finish the course, go P/F, you can explain it later. You have no choice but to put your Dad first at this time, above all other priorities. It is time you never will have back with him. This cycle is secondary concern in my opinion. You can easily explain an upcoming gap year by his condition. Focus spare time by preparing for MCAT.
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You need to either withdraw or P/F. Adcoms understand that life happens.

Basically, if you need the course for future classes next semester then switch to P/F. If it is purely an elective to boost your GPA, then take the W and give yourself a chance to retake (and thus boost your GPA by taking a course that you've already seen the material for).
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