November 2017 PCAT online study group.. who wants to join?

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May 28, 2014
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hello everyone, i will be taking my PCAT in november 2017 and i was wondering if anyone taking it around that time would like to study together. i found a site which allows students/groups of people to study together online with a white board and also a microphone(to speak if wanted). i thought it is is a great idea and i will like to recruit students who would like to be in a study group. I really would like to do well on the PCAT above 90th percentile is my goal.

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hello everyone, i will be taking my PCAT in november 2017 and i was wondering if anyone taking it around that time would like to study together. i found a site which allows students/groups of people to study together online with a white board and also a microphone(to speak if wanted). i thought it is is a great idea and i will like to recruit students who would like to be in a study group. I really would like to do well on the PCAT above 90th percentile is my goal.
I am thinking of taking mine October 23 or November 1 so I am willing to try it out
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I took my PCAT today and got 99 comp. I also really love teaching/explaining things so I'd be down to join and help you guys out if you don't mind.
I took my PCAT today and got 99 comp. I also really love teaching/explaining things so I'd be down to join and help you guys out if you don't mind.
Yeah we wouldn't but unfortunately, the website doesn't work as good as I thought it would. I'm sending you a message
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What I set up was a google doc on which I answered questions regarding topics in bullet points. I can send you the link to access the doc if you PM me. There hasn't been any new questions in awhile so I haven't added anything since. If you have additional questions after reading what's already available, you can add them and make them easily visible then notify me.
What I set up was a google doc on which I answered questions regarding topics in bullet points. I can send you the link to access the doc if you PM me. There hasn't been any new questions in awhile so I haven't added anything since. If you have additional questions after reading what's already available, you can add them and make them easily visible then notify me.
So we did start a google docs, we would love for you to join do you can help us anf aldo any questions we might have. Thanks. Please click on this asdfghjkl;
I would like to join. I'm taking the PCAT in October but I have barely studied... I bought the Dr.Collins so hopefully that will help.
guys, click that link up.... put ur questions down there and make sure you dont edit... you might find some useful topics discussed earlier as well there