Official 10/10 countdown!

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shizzam son
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
so I figured since everybody else had a countdown......9/7 and 9/8 test takers should have one. soo here it is........

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OFICIALLY 24 hours............ I am so SCARRRRRRRRRED. I try to look back at my test questions, and I keep feeling like I answered every question wrong. OMG I am sooooooooooo STREEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSED
Yeah I keep thinking of questions i Was sure of that I got right, and now im second guessing myself!!!!! grr
21 hours . . . it's funny - I am getting less excited by the hour. With unknown scores - they could be anything - I can still hope for a better score. Once scores are known, there's no room for hope to keep me out of reality. :)
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is there a certain time the score are posted during the day, or do they automatically go up at midnight.
If my MCAT Is greater than or equal to 34, imma thank my lucky stars, and believe that I have a decent shot of getting into some medical schools. O PLEASE
getting restless now...this anticipation is slowly killing me and i'm finding now that the mcat has consumed my mind. i really ought to study now...yet i can't get this damn mcat out of my head! i'm starting to get the butterflies in my stomach...

oh the sickness...
getting restless now...this anticipation is slowly killing me and i'm finding now that the mcat has consumed my mind. i really ought to study now...yet i can't get this damn mcat out of my head! i'm starting to get the butterflies in my stomach...

oh the sickness...
Lol i have a quant midterm tommorow
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The tensions are high! I could not focus on doing homework (too focused on mcat :p) so i decided to play an hour or two of video games. It's been a while since I did that.

now i'm back here, and I should probably still do some homework

ugh, 18 hours to go!
haha you guys crack me up! bad as it sounds, the mcat is like a drug...we eat, sleep, breathe the mcat...
Anyone else worrying they didn't answer all of the questions, like somehow you forgot to bubble some in? Or is it just me? :(
It says that on the website?? I'm too nervous to check :scared:
yeah man its been there since the beginning- 5pm est time, but some ppl got theres released a few hours early in some past releases, but then again otheres were delayed days. so who knows
Man.....I can't afford delays.....I have to submit my score before October 15......
I dont see why ours would be delayed, aamc hasnt had to release scores in like 3 weeks i think so theres no reason for them to have delays. Cause back when they did delay they were having releases every week
I dont see why ours would be delayed, aamc hasnt had to release scores in like 3 weeks i think so theres no reason for them to have delays. Cause back when they did delay they were having releases every week

good point.

but it's aamc, u never know
Yeah that's a good point, but they have no obligation to release it on to them, the deadline is flexible..........I don't know maybe I'm being paranoid or whatever, but this is adding to the stress of app, school, and my upcoming mid-term in two days...........grrrrrrrr
Yeah that's a good point, but they have no obligation to release it on to them, the deadline is flexible..........I don't know maybe I'm being paranoid or whatever, but this is adding to the stress of app, school, and my upcoming mid-term in two days...........grrrrrrrr
better than one tommorow:rolleyes:
i am a 9/7 victim. wow, i hate this so much, its like your whole 6 months is decided, im retaking it if i get a 27 but with a 28, i dont care anymore, its my 2nd time and im done, does anyone feel like they just dont care? like, ur over it that it doesnt matter anymore whatever? or is that depression?
Its good to see some fresh faces in here! we have our own little support group going on!

Hey Chowdder, are you applying to University of Calgary? Cuz I have to have my MCAT submitted there by then as well.
It's my second time writing too and I don't know, I didn't care anymore after the exam, but now I care again......weird.....

Nope, my GPA isn't good enough to apply to Calgary as an out of province applicant. I'm in Ontario, so I applied to all the ontario schools that I stand a chance in, but man does it suck to submit a neatly packaged application that is missing my MCAT marks.....I felt like I was applying for med school blind folded.
It's my second time writing too and I don't know, I didn't care anymore after the exam, but now I care again......weird.....

Nope, my GPA isn't good enough to apply to Calgary as an out of province applicant. I'm in Ontario, so I applied to all the ontario schools that I stand a chance in, but man does it suck to submit a neatly packaged application that is missing my MCAT marks.....I felt like I was applying for med school blind folded.

hey , i hear ya. I submitted my UBC application a few days back. And without my MCAT i feel quite unsure about it. Since I am from B.C. I decided to skip out on the Ontario schools this year... I'm sticking to 4 or 5 of the western ones. probably not enough, but oh well!
i'm getting quite anxious to know my's 11:10pm...which means...if the score is getting released in 50 min...then that's good, right? I just want to know if I need to start studying again...ugh.... >O<...
i am a 9/7 victim. wow, i hate this so much, its like your whole 6 months is decided, im retaking it if i get a 27 but with a 28, i dont care anymore, its my 2nd time and im done, does anyone feel like they just dont care? like, ur over it that it doesnt matter anymore whatever? or is that depression?

i dont care anymore, but i still keep thinking about 5pm today! Its 3 am and i have nothing better to do than stalk sdn:scared:
and i see quite a few of you are still here at 3 am!
i hope your up this late studying for your midterm and not wasting time on sdn!:)
wow guys.. 3am. it's 1230 here.. i'm gonna pack it in.

the anticipation is killing me, better to pass the time by sleeping :)
aaaaaaaaaahhhh....feeeeeeling sick.... hope everything turns out fabulously for all of us! can't believe the 10th is actually's just a matter of time now...
Going to be a long day - I'm going to put my iPhone on airport mode so I can't check THx via WiFi all day. Maybe I can convince someone to hit me over the head and give me smelling salts @ 5 so I can go through the day in a joyful (unconscious) bliss.
Anyone bold enough, should check his/her score and inform us, because I am stuck with a computer all day at work, with access to the internet. But...I'm just too chicken....extremely chicken to check anything. I will have to wait till I go home, then maybe my bf and roommate might see me cry:eek:....pathetic wait...umph:scared:
I'm scared. This is my third time around and its do or die. Hoping for the best.

Hey im in the exact same boat, this was my third time as well, and I desperately need to bump my score up at LEAST 3 points. Im going for osteopathic, so i would be extremely happy with a 25. Best of luck to you, and everyone else!!
I cannot but think about it...I'm at work and I'm so right in my face. Gosh...the suspension.....:confused:

i am bored at work as well. i plan on checking my results here . . . haven't decided if that's a good or bad idea.
i am bored at work as well. i plan on checking my results here . . . haven't decided if that's a good or bad idea.

lol extremely bad idea....but I can't help it. I've been checking like every 30 mins. As soon as I find out, I will automatically fake a sickness or something and go home. :-( Maybe I won't be able to drive home. THIS SUCKS>>!!!:scared:
Am I the only one or is there someone else that applied to schools that don't accept the Sept exam? Uggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Y do I have to find out after I paid the fee for the secondaries...........:mad:
Well I just checked and there are only 7 schools that don't accept the sept mcat. Tulane is one of them, so it looks like I just wasted another 100 bucks!