Official 10/10 countdown!

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shizzam son
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
so I figured since everybody else had a countdown......9/7 and 9/8 test takers should have one. soo here it is........

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hey, so what would you do if you got a 45T? me? I'd go and buy some life insurance...:smuggrin:
Hi guys. I am so nervous I feel shaky and sick. I kept waking up every two hours last night and I'd run to my computer to check. I think I might have to call into work today.
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I'd ask AAMC to rescore my exam, because I know I didn't score that high:D Yeah right!
AHHH! I am posting again because that last post put me at 66 posts and I feel like that is an unlucky number. So here is 67! I think i'm going mad...
you guys really all sound like your driving yourselves to become sick.. Dont worry!!! There is really no point in driving yourselves mad..
Look at it this way.. the test is over, theres not much you can do now about it, if you didn't score as well as you would have hoped, theres always next time. Remember, things happen for a reason, always keep your heads up! Best of luck to everyone..:D
Which schools do not accept the sept MCAT. Someone said tulane is one of them and that there are 7 others, which schools are they?
argh! now the only question now is to check scores before or after my exam tonight...
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If it were me, I would probably check my scores after my exam... I would not want anything ruining my focus!
Before, because youll be so elated and pumped, you ll think nothing can stop you now:D

haha!'s funny because i was just thinking about checking scores after because i didn't want to be depressed... let's hope that won't be the case...guys it's winding down now! we're almost there!
I've checked for my score like a 100 times now. Does anyone know of any website that gives updated info about this stuff?
i hate this feeling! you know the butterflies of anticipation and anxiety... wish i could study for my test, but mcat's all i'm thinking...ah well...
you know that would be too easy... there gonna make us wait it out :rolleyes:... and atleast they finally took out the date for the scores that came out last month-- sheesh.
Actually mine still has it up there. "scores for Aug 25th, are available" lol
hey, so what would you do if you got a 45T? me? I'd go and buy some life insurance...:smuggrin:

I would first do a happy dance because I wouldn't have to retake the MCAT is Bangkok/Singapore and try to study while hanging out in various guesthouses.

Then I will party like a rockstar tonight and not go into work tomorrow.

THEN, I will reward myself with a 3 month vacation and start my teacher training at the end of march instead of early Jan (like the plan is if the MCAT score is acceptable).

However, I don't anticipate I'll get to do any of the above . . .
I would first do a happy dance because I wouldn't have to retake the MCAT is Bangkok/Singapore and try to study while hanging out in various guesthouses.

Then I will party like a rockstar tonight and not go into work tomorrow.

THEN, I will reward myself with a 3 month vacation and start my teacher training at the end of march instead of early Jan (like the plan is if the MCAT score is acceptable).

However, I don't anticipate I'll get to do any of the above . . .
If i scored a 45T, I would rest easy knowing that I have the highest score of all time, and im one of the smartest people alive. Lol:laugh:
LOL i fell for it

me too.
I am I log into the THx system. Close my eyes with my hand and peekaboo through one of my fingers... and guess what I see...
Aug 25th scores are now available...
Who cares about those scores...
Well guys, I pulled out all the old MCAT prep books, trying to get a head start on the January MCAT. GRR
I just spoke to AAMC and they do not expect any delays. We'll see;)

Thanks for calling/emailing - one less thing we have to worry about.

Within 2 hours - sit back & enjoy some Daily Show replays, crack open a Shiner Bock, and try to forget about this awful process. :)
for the july 24th exam, the scores came out an hour early... or atleast 45 min early i remember.... i'm hoping this one does the same.
for the july 24th exam, the scores came out an hour early... or atleast 45 min early i remember.... i'm hoping this one does the same.

3:45p, so far, nada. To save people hammering the site (doubt this will help), I will post as soon as I see results. Although I'm not expecting them until 5.
this class was supposed to go until 4 (5est). So i thought, hey, it will be perfect, i could go home, check my score and either cry or rejoice, and off all the labs we have had this semester, this was the ONLY one that got out here i am not sure what to do with myself for the next hour and 10 minutes..grrr...
freakin ey man, the fkin butterflies are kickin in, i have class at 1:30pm PST. hopefully it's out at that time or else i have to ditch class at 2 sharp to go check.

man i'm gettin the shivers, butterflies are comin up my stomach to my chest, radiating down my left arm and to the back ;)
freakin ey man, the fkin butterflies are kickin in, i have class at 1:30pm PST. hopefully it's out at that time or else i have to ditch class at 2 sharp to go check.

man i'm gettin the shivers, butterflies are comin up my stomach to my chest, radiating down my left arm and to the back ;)

this reminds me of a dream i had a few days room was swarmed with butterflies.. i dont think it was MCAT related though.
lol i put guy in there just in case u might be a girl... or u can stick with girl lol.

and i meant the guy/girl in ur DREAM not in reality,, duh!
lol i put guy in there just in case u might be a girl... or u can stick with girl lol.

and i meant the guy/girl in ur DREAM not in reality,, duh!

lolz right. gotta work with me here, we're taling MCAt butterflies!