*~*~* Official AACOMAS Questions Thread 2016-2017 *~*~*

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This thread will open at the opening of the 2016-2017 application cycle. As dates from last year for reference:
May 5th was the day AACOMAS opened to applications
June 15 was when schools began receiving information from applicants.

Please use this thread to ask any questions specific to the AACOMAS application.

Ask away and good luck!

Last years AACOMAS question page is right here.

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For DO applications is there a limit to how many work experiences we can input? Is 15 the general recommendation?
So I chose to rollover my application from last cycle and I noticed that two of the chemistry labs I took are listed as 3 credit hours instead of the correct 1 credit hour on my transcript. Since it is locked, I cannot fix it. If I contact AACOMAS about this, how long do you guys think it will take to fix? This is actually lowering my sGPA by .1 points. I'm not sure if it matters but I was just wondering.
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So I opened an application last cycle and did not apply anywhere... I was just a curious pre-med and wondered what it looked like. In AACOMAS it says I'm reapplying even though I'm not at all. Will I appear as a re-applicant to medical schools?

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How do I specify if a course had lab included if it is not explicitly mentioned in my official transcript? Someone in the thread from last year said we should add "(with lab)" in the course title like "General Biology 1 (with lab)". Can someone confirm this?
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So I opened an application last cycle and did not apply anywhere... I was just a curious pre-med and wondered what it looked like. In AACOMAS it says I'm reapplying even though I'm not at all. Will I appear as a re-applicant to medical schools?

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had the exact same issue as well!
Is it wrong of me to be claiming Anatomy and Physiology (plus labs for both) as biology credits? I feel like most schools accept this. I only have one Bio 1 + Lab since I got AP credit for it in high school. I'd hate to have to take biology II if I can just claim my other "bio" classes to fill that need

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How do we list research experience?
Non-Healthcare/Community Engagement?
If you get paid to do molecular research involving animal models (but no patient contact) is this
Non-Healthcare Employment, Extracurricular activities or Healthcare Experience?
I know I am blowing up this thread I apologize.

For Achievements section, I was debating putting my percentile for the ACS Exam for Gen Chem I/II and Organic Chem I/II.
I scored pretty good on those tests > 90 percentile.

I just asked my professor what my raw score was and we calculated my percentile on the spot. The only thing that makes me nervous about this is one of the tests was the 2003 version.

You guys think thats inappropriate to put something like this in the achievements section? If so characterizing it as "honor" might be better?

I think @BelieveMeChile is right any non-clinical research should be characterized as extracurricular.

But isn't an extracurricular more like campus club/sport team? I feel like it can be non-healthcare employment? I'm not too sure at all
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Would volunteering in a nursing home where I engage in conversation with a resident who suffers from depression and take her on walk be "healthcare experience' or "Non-healthcare volunteer or community enrichment" ?
If you are getting paid as a RA but if not I want to lean towards extra curricular

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Would volunteering in a nursing home where I engage in conversation with a resident who suffers from depression and take her on walk be "healthcare experience' or "Non-healthcare volunteer or community enrichment" ?

I would definitely advocate for that being a healthcare experience.

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but is there a specific address? I found that already but when I request my transcript on my universities website it asks for an address (line 1, line 2 etc).

AACOMAS Transcript Processing Center
P.O. Box 9137
Watertown, MA 02471

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but is there a specific address? I found that already but when I request my transcript on my universities website it asks for an address (line 1, line 2 etc).

Not sure.. I just made that address work (my university had a similar format is what it sounds like.) I don't know how P.O. boxes work to be honest so I figured it was something to do with that for as to why the address looked weird/incomplete. If it doesn't work I'll let you know. I sent the request Wednesday last week so I should find out soon.

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Not sure.. I just made that address work (my university had a similar format is what it sounds like.) I don't know how P.O. boxes work to be honest so I figured it was something to do with that for as to why the address looked weird/incomplete. If it doesn't work I'll let you know. I sent the request Wednesday last week so I should find out soon.

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thank you very much! Please let me know. I am going to request the transcripts be sent after my final semester grades were submitted and available to us. (which is the 16 of this month). How long does it take for AACOMAS to get the transcripts and verify everything?
thank you very much! Please let me know. I am going to request the transcripts be sent after my final semester grades were submitted and available to us. (which is the 16 of this month). How long does it take for AACOMAS to get the transcripts and verify everything?

I'm not sure.. I opted for the $65 fee for them to do transcript entry for me (I'm lazy and worried ill mess something up) so it may different. It's been 4 business days so far. On the site I think it said it usually takes 10 but I'm not sure if that is after they receive the transcripts you send (probably) or including the time from when you originally sent your transcripts (doubtful.)

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Ahh okay. Yeah I gotcha. Well I plan on just entering in mine; just because I can use that $65 towards application process money I planned on saving and just spending during the app cycle. Have you decided on your school list yet?
I'm not sure.. I opted for the $65 fee for them to do transcript entry for me (I'm lazy and worried ill mess something up) so it may different. It's been 4 business days so far. On the site I think it said it usually takes 10 but I'm not sure if that is after they receive the transcripts you send (probably) or including the time from when you originally sent your transcripts (doubtful.)

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So I chose to rollover my application from last cycle and I noticed that two of the chemistry labs I took are listed as 3 credit hours instead of the correct 1 credit hour on my transcript. Since it is locked, I cannot fix it. If I contact AACOMAS about this, how long do you guys think it will take to fix? This is actually lowering my sGPA by .1 points. I'm not sure if it matters but I was just wondering.
I was in a similar boat. Reapplicant with roll-over, noticed error on verified courses. I sent a ticket asking for a fix on one of my terms that was in the wrong year. They replied quickly with the fix, but then I noticed that it unlocked the entire transcript entry for that particular school, thus free to edit. But that also meant that it became unverified. I contacted them again and they responded that the transcripts will be re-verified upon submission. So it really depends, is .1 worth having to go through re-verification? I think so, plus it's still pretty early in the game and you have to submit at some point anyway assuming you haven't submitted yet.
Is it wrong of me to be claiming Anatomy and Physiology (plus labs for both) as biology credits? I feel like most schools accept this. I only have one Bio 1 + Lab since I got AP credit for it in high school. I'd hate to have to take biology II if I can just claim my other "bio" classes to fill that need

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Same question here. Bio II at my school is plant based and no human health related majors take it.
2 Questions:

1) At my school, I took summer courses in 2 sessions, although the courses are grouped as "Summer [year]" on my transcript. Do I divide my courses into Summer 1 and Summer 2 or combine them on AACOMAS?

2) I took MCDB (Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology) and EEMB (Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology) courses, but these do not correlate exactly with the subjects on AACOMAS. Can I list these as Biology?
thank you very much! Please let me know. I am going to request the transcripts be sent after my final semester grades were submitted and available to us. (which is the 16 of this month). How long does it take for AACOMAS to get the transcripts and verify everything?

The address worked. 1 of 2 transcripts arrived at AACOMAS this morning.

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Please help me.

Some relevant info:

I'm taking the MCAT 8/4 so it won't be available until 9/7 . I understand that you don't need you LORs for your AACOMAS application to be verified. My DO is super busy and I don't believe he'll get my letter out anytime soon. One of my professors is teaching abroad until end of summer ( I should've asked earlier... doh! But we had a great relationship and he says he can give me a stellar LOR ). I also won't be able to get a letter from the hospital I volunteer at until I complete the program at the end of summer. So three of my best LORs won't be available anytime soon.

My questions are as follows:
1. Should I just go ahead and verify the app and apply to my desired programs without the LORs/MCAT?
2. Should I verify my app, wait for the LORs/MCAT, then apply for my programs?

Thanks in advance for your help and I hope this question helps others.
Got some questions for y'all.
So it looks like AACOMAS calculates sGPA as

Biochem, Biology/Zoology, Inorganic Chem, Organic Chem, Other Science, and Physics

and the non-science GPA as

Behavioral Science, English, Math, Other Non-Science

So my questions pertains to two classes of mine in particular: Wetland Environments: EVR 4027 , and Medical Terminology: HSC 4537

In the "Other Science" section of the sGPA, it breaks down to a whole bunch of nonsense and then two of interest: Environmental Science, and Health Sciences

Does EVR 4027 constitute as 'Environmental Science?
And does HSC 4537 constitute as 'Health Sciences'?

Also important information:
In the 'English' section of non-science GPA, Medical Terminology is listed as a non-science. BUT the course code sort of lists it as a 'Health Sciences' class, so would it affect my sGPA?

Sorry if this seems overly meticulous and annyoing.
Got some questions for y'all.
So it looks like AACOMAS calculates sGPA as

Biochem, Biology/Zoology, Inorganic Chem, Organic Chem, Other Science, and Physics

and the non-science GPA as

Behavioral Science, English, Math, Other Non-Science

So my questions pertains to two classes of mine in particular: Wetland Environments: EVR 4027 , and Medical Terminology: HSC 4537

In the "Other Science" section of the sGPA, it breaks down to a whole bunch of nonsense and then two of interest: Environmental Science, and Health Sciences

Does EVR 4027 constitute as 'Environmental Science?
And does HSC 4537 constitute as 'Health Sciences'?

Also important information:
In the 'English' section of non-science GPA, Medical Terminology is listed as a non-science. BUT the course code sort of lists it as a 'Health Sciences' class, so would it affect my sGPA?

Sorry if this seems overly meticulous and annyoing.
Where can I even see this stuff? Like my calculated GPA and such?

I've looked and can't find it anywhere. Am I blind?

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Can I start sending in official transcripts before I submit my application? I have a whole ton of institutions (like 10) to send transcripts from so I want to start sending some now incase something goes wrong. I still have one class in progress so I won't be submitting my application until Mid-June. Thanks!
So I opened an application last cycle and did not apply anywhere... I was just a curious pre-med and wondered what it looked like. In AACOMAS it says I'm reapplying even though I'm not at all. Will I appear as a re-applicant to medical schools?

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Did you ever find out if schools will see you as a reapplicant?
Hey, question! Can we submit our application without having our letters of recommendation submitted? I was under the impression this wasn't going to open until June 15th for submission so I'm scrambling to get this all done on time
Can I start sending in official transcripts before I submit my application? I have a whole ton of institutions (like 10) to send transcripts from so I want to start sending some now incase something goes wrong. I still have one class in progress so I won't be submitting my application until Mid-June. Thanks!
Yes, send all your official transcripts before you submit. AACOMAS has to have all your official transcripts before they will begin verifying your application.
Hey, question! Can we submit our application without having our letters of recommendation submitted? I was under the impression this wasn't going to open until June 15th for submission so I'm scrambling to get this all done on time
Yes, you can submit this primary app without your LORs. But, LORs are required to be submitted with your secondaries. Sometimes schools want your secondaries submitted within just a couple days of you receiving them, so just make sure your LORs will be ready by early/mid July if you submit in mid June.
Where can I even see this stuff? Like my calculated GPA and such?

I've looked and can't find it anywhere. Am I blind?

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AACOMAS won't have calculated GPAs available until after your app is submitted and verified. :(
Please help me.

Some relevant info:

I'm taking the MCAT 8/4 so it won't be available until 9/7 . I understand that you don't need you LORs for your AACOMAS application to be verified. My DO is super busy and I don't believe he'll get my letter out anytime soon. One of my professors is teaching abroad until end of summer ( I should've asked earlier... doh! But we had a great relationship and he says he can give me a stellar LOR ). I also won't be able to get a letter from the hospital I volunteer at until I complete the program at the end of summer. So three of my best LORs won't be available anytime soon.

My questions are as follows:
1. Should I just go ahead and verify the app and apply to my desired programs without the LORs/MCAT?
2. Should I verify my app, wait for the LORs/MCAT, then apply for my programs?

Thanks in advance for your help and I hope this question helps others.
LORs aren't mandatory with the primary app, so you can wait a little longer on those.

Technically, there's no point in submitting an app without an MCAT because schools won't look at your app anyway without it. Instead, to save time, submit your app to a throwaway to get it verified. Then, you can immediately submit to your actual schools of interest once your MCAT score is available.
LORs aren't mandatory with the primary app, so you can wait a little longer on those.

Technically, there's no point in submitting an app without an MCAT because schools won't look at your app anyway without it. Instead, to save time, submit your app to a throwaway to get it verified. Then, you can immediately submit to your actual schools of interest once your MCAT score is available.
is there a way to update your AACOMAS if you've submitted and your score comes in after?
Hello, quick question. For the release authorization question for experiences, do we have to put yes? I want to write no because some of the people I worked with are retired or no longer work at the organization. Would it look bad if I write no?
AACOMAS won't have calculated GPAs available until after your app is submitted and verified. :(
That's so stupid! Does that mean I might be applying to schools where I don't hit stat cutoffs? I mean I've calculated my own stuff but what if I'm wrong? They really should change that.

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That's so stupid! Does that mean I might be applying to schools where I don't hit stat cutoffs? I mean I've calculated my own stuff but what if I'm wrong? They really should change that.

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If anything, you could initially submit to schools without strict cutoffs, and then, after verification, submit to the schools with the cutoffs if you meet their criteria.
If anything, you could initially submit to schools without strict cutoffs, and then, after verification, submit to the schools with the cutoffs if you meet their criteria.

Any suggestion on a school like that? I was advised to do a "throwaway" school to get verified first because I haven't taken the MCAT yet (June) and i want to incorporate this cutoff idea as well. I don't know what school to choose...

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Any suggestion on a school like that? I was advised to do a "throwaway" school to get verified first because I haven't taken the MCAT yet (June) and i want to incorporate this cutoff idea as well. I don't know what school to choose...

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I would suggest a school with high IS bias (like Rowan if you're in the Pacific Northwest) or one of the newer, less established schools. Or basically any other school you would never want to attend, even if you were admitted.
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I would suggest a school with high IS bias (like Rowan if you're in the Pacific Northwest) or one of the newer, less established schools. Or basically any other school you would never want to attend, even if you were admitted.

If only the Caribbean had DO schools

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Where can I even see this stuff? Like my calculated GPA and such?

I've looked and can't find it anywhere. Am I blind?

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you you just gotta calculate it yourself from what I understand. there is a way to see your AACOMAS GPA but only after course transcript is complete.
I just opened an excel file and opened an unofficial transcript in two separate windows, and anything that's biology/chemistry/physics related, I mark down.
I mark down for each class:
Credit hours x Grade
And then credit hours x 4

add up the two columns and then divide to get a percentage. Then multiply by 4 to get a sGPA.
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Does thw AACOMAS application ever ask you to enter your ACT scores? Because i got an email from LECOM telling me about using my act and gpa scores to determine if i am eligible for the school...
Does thw AACOMAS application ever ask you to enter your ACT scores? Because i got an email from LECOM telling me about using my act and gpa scores to determine if i am eligible for the school...

That's specific for LECOM. I don't think any other school does anything like that.

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